looking to get cut


New member

hey everyon posting on here to get some advice and any feedback from any one who has any expriance.

hight: 6'1
weight: 225
BF% 15-16 best guess
not 100% on the math but
BMR: 1890.5
TDEE: 3517
timeline: now-april/may

i am planning to get as cut up as possible and drop all the BF i can. i am going to be starting up a carb cycleing diet on monday with very clean foods. i put it together with info that i have found around the web and here on the forum with this being the basic outline.

in G's protien carbs fats
high 225 200 55
low 250 150 44
no 345 0 50

then will repeat until i have the results that i want. along with the diet i am planing on running CEL E-stane for 5 weeks with this dosage plan.

days 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-end
doses 20 30 40 50

planning to run this because i have lots of experiance with PH's (around 6 cycles) and because i want to run at the higher dose for as long as possibe but if problems arise then will cut back. post cycle therapy (pct) will be nolva at 40/40/20/20. during this time i will also be running clen, planning on doing the normal 20mcg and ramping up to 100-120 at 20mcg's per day and see how i react since i have never ran clen before. i am also planning on experementing with benadryl to see if i can push the affects of clen out for a little longer at a time. my workout routine will be to do mild cardio for 30-45 min a day 6 days/week and to lift weights for a seperate workout each day (so 2 a days). when lifting weights going to focus on 15-20 reps and also doing burnout sets, abbs will be done in bettween muscle groups on workout days and will be doing 30 rep sets. my workout routine is not super structured cause im not sure how each bodie part will react lower cal's so going to play it by ear.

my basic questions are on what kind of results i should be seeing or if there is any kind of problem mixng the different chemicals. also if anyone has any experiance with liquid clen as to how to take it and the best times to take it. basicly just trying to get an idea of things i might not have thought of or things that might go wrong with this plan.
clen has a really long half life. dose once per day - i take it in the morning.

start with a relatively low dose, around 50mcg - it is a powerful stimulant. work up slowly until you feel comfortable - I wouldn't go over 120mcg as a first time user.
i would probably go with H-drol. Used e-stane and gained about 8 lbs after post cycle therapy (pct) and cut up some BF..not sure how much though.
Thanks you guys I am going to stick with the epi though im not trying so much to put on a lot of muscle just trying to make sure I don't loose a lot while I am cutting plus i already bought the epi so usen it now no matter wat. Also do you guys have a general idea about what the results from clen should be, I know everyone is different but I can't find any posts that talk about what people have lost in the past while on clen
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honestly... clen really isn't that great. i know people say it till their faces turn blue but the truth is the biggest factor on if you're going to cut up is your diet.

as far as clen goes, the number tossed around is that it'll make about a 5% difference in metabolism. calculate it out and thats between 150 and 250 cals a day for the majority of people's TDEE. you can easily do that with cardio - even if you just walk.

clen gets me going when on low carbs but thats about it - i know it gives a little metabolic boost but its not that big of a deal.
thanks for the input on the clen and yea i know the biggest thing is the diet but over time i think the clen will help and i already got it so might as well use it lol