Looking to start a first cycle, does this look good to you guys?


New member
Hi Guys,

I've been reading a lot of threads on this site over the last month or so and I have learnt a lot from you guys. I have been thinking about running a first cycle of steroids for a few months now but its takes a while to find a trustworthy source and trusted products. I've found the more I read the more confusing it gets in that regard. fakes sites, fake sites that promote fake sites don't help :dunno:

I'm thinking about running the below cycle in the coming weeks. I am 31, 95kg with about 15% body fat. I'm looking to lean up a bit and look a bit leaner.

1-10 - test e 500mg/wk - 250mg twice a week
1-5 - Turinabol 50mg ED
6-10 - Anavar 50mg ED
1-10 - Anastrozole 0.5mg EOD


13-14 - Clomid 150mg ED, Nolvadex 40mg ED
15-16 - Clomid 100mg ED, Nolvadex 20mg ED
17-18 - Clomid 50mg ED, Nolvadex 10mg ED

Products most likely to be Kalpa Phamaceutical, PCT will either be from them or RUI.

I have seen a lot of people use HCG during their cycle. Is this something I will require?
I wouldn't run an oral on my first cycle, but that's just me. If you're adamant on using one, pick one, not both Anavar and Turinabol. Personally, I'd go with Turinabol. Anavar is not a strong drug and in my opinion is much better suited at a higher dose (100mg) during a cut where your body is running on a calorie deficit. You will see the effects you want with Turinabol.

Buy another vial of testosterone. I know you think you'll get a perfect 20ml out of two vials, but you won't. Get a third and extend the cycle to 12 weeks.

I would go with Aromasin for your AI. It is a milder AI and won't crash you estrogen levels like Arimidex (at too high a dose) will do. The dosage of Arimidex you're suggesting is actually quite high. Aromasin at 25mg a day, maybe even 12.5mg a day will suffice for most with the drugs you're running and doses.

You don't need to do a six week PCT. Two weeks after your last injection start your PCT Clomid at 50mg ED and Nolvadex at 40mg for the first two weeks then drop it to 20mg.

HCG is optional. I could tell you the way I do it but for everyone that does it like me, there is another that does it a different way. If you're asking me, run it at 250iu twice a week. I then blast a 5,000iu vial for the remaining two weeks before PCT while I wait for the elevated testosterone in my system to dissipate. I say "blast" but 5,000iu is very little. Some will use MUCH more than that.

With more experience with these compounds you'll learn what your body wants and needs and you'll prepare cycles accordingly. You may do things different to the norm, but that's okay. See how your body responds and listen to what it's telling you.

Don't forget your pre/post blood work. Any time pre cycle and 4-6 weeks after PCT.
Thanks for your response Rasta, appreciate it.

I will have to look into getting blood work done before starting my cycle. Its not something I have thought about but definitely makes sense. Not sure if this is some my local GP can offer.

What sort of thing would you be looking for in your blood test results pre and post cycle?

To be honest anavar is definitely making the cost of my first cycle higher then I wanted so I'm not reluctant to dropping it.

In regards to AI, would you say to go with aromasin as you wouldn't expect much estrogen from turinabol/test stack or do you just generally prefer aromasin over armidex?

If I did go with armidex how much would you suggest taking for this cycle?

Would appreciate any advise on the above.
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Get the Hormone Panel for Females (which is for men too). Don't use your doctor. This panel will have what you need: including TT, LH, FSH, Estradiol, AST, AGT, kidney profile and Hematocrit.

Yes, you will experience aromatization and thus will need an AI.

If you use arimidex try starting at .25mg every other day. Let your lab results guide you to whether or not you need more or less.
Private MD - Buy Lab Tests Online

Get the Hormone Panel for Females (which is for men too). Don't use your doctor. This panel will have what you need: including TT, LH, FSH, Estradiol, AST, AGT, kidney profile and Hematocrit.

Yes, you will experience aromatization and thus will need an AI.

If you use arimidex try starting at .25mg every other day. Let your lab results guide you to whether or not you need more or less.

Thanks a lot mate. Will definitely do these pre, during and post cycle.
One oral for me on my first cycle. It was dbol at 50 mg per day. I would definitely use the Hcg protocol listed by Rasta above, Same exact protocol i use. I also think anavar is preferred oral on a first cycle. I prefer it over tbol. Anavar gains are kept easier and provides more hardness. Tbol will probably give you slightly more weight but it will not be as much of what we call "mature muscle". therefore a percentage of gains will dissipate over the course of PCT. Just my thoughts. Good luck.

To be honest i think i will now as suggested run a 12 wk course of test e with an ai and hcg. I've trained 15 years as it is so i guess i can wait a couple of cycles before i try stacking with something else. Plus it will give me the chance to test my sources without losing out to much.