Losing fat and keeping muscle


New member
Hi I was just wodering if it is possible to lose bodyfat, and gaining a bit of muscle at the same time so my weight stays around the same, Ive just came off an AA's cycle and I'm scared to lose some muscle if I cut down the caloried too much. thanks.
cardio and diet and when i say diet i dont mean you need to diet i mean you need to eat properly.

I know that but I'm just not sure it's safe to do it after AA's, will I lose muscle?? and is it possible to stay at the same weight while reducing pody fat percentage?
unless u have amazing genetics losing fat and gaining muscle is tough.. AA's will assist in this though if done correctly
This is actually where a lot of people mess things ups. The majority of people tend to drop calories too low and too quick. You will need to be smart about this and keep the macros at the levels that work the most efficient for your body. I have been using a supplement called Need2Slin.This is a very important part of my regimen for several reasons dealing with insulin. When insulin is released into the bloodstream, it acts to shuttle carbohydrates, proteins, and fats into various cells. If the proteins and carbohydrates find their way into muscle, the result is anabolic (muscle is gained). But if those nutrients change gears from the muscle to fat, then it’s stored as body fat, The key here is to make sure that your muscles are insulin sensitive. Insulin sensitivity plays a role in determining your muscle-to-fat ratio; the more insulin sensitive you are, the more muscle you gain while staying lean. Youl will need to be smart about what you do and how you do it. Feel free to contact me anytime if you ever need help.
lol insulin this insulin that... in the end its calories in calories out.. if you lift heavy you arn't gonna lose too much muscle... obviously if your strength is tapering off.. you may have too large of a deficit.
lol insulin this insulin that... in the end its calories in calories out.. if you lift heavy you arn't gonna lose too much muscle... obviously if your strength is tapering off.. you may have too large of a deficit.

somewhat correct. main variable are keeping calories high. Better to gain a lil fat and hold onto your muscle then to be lean and lose muscle. You're gonna be catabolic for a while. EAT, lower the volume but keep intensity high, and get your rest.

Primary problem guys have with post cycle therapy (pct) is they let their minds fuck them over. Its called weakness. Don't let it kill you.
Well there the worst thing possible happened to me, I was sick and threw up for two days and lost like 2-3 pounds, I guess at this time it was probably mostly muscle.
Well there the worst thing possible happened to me, I was sick and threw up for two days and lost like 2-3 pounds, I guess at this time it was probably mostly muscle.

you don't throw up muscle. Doesn't work that way. Just bounce back and keep eating. You'll be fine.

forget the most important thing during any post cycle therapy (pct).

you don't throw up muscle. Doesn't work that way. Just bounce back and keep eating. You'll be fine.

forget the most important thing during any post cycle therapy (pct).


Nono I know you don't throw up muscle, but with my test being low after only 7-8 weeks after a cycle and losing 2-3 pounds I mean that weight was probably 100% muscle. I couldnt eat for like 24 hours in a row. And why do you recommend staying off the scales, My weight hardly changed at all before that happened.
Nono I know you don't throw up muscle, but with my test being low after only 7-8 weeks after a cycle and losing 2-3 pounds I mean that weight was probably 100% muscle. I couldnt eat for like 24 hours in a row. And why do you recommend staying off the scales, My weight hardly changed at all before that happened.

because its the easiest way to fuck with your head during/after a cycle.

Let me ask you this, if you started a cycle @ 200lbs and ended 12 weeks later at 200lbs, but your clothes fit better, your waist was smaller, your BF% was lower and your measurements all increased... would you care?

Who gives a fuck how much you weigh? Its not how much you weigh... its how much you look like you weigh.
because its the easiest way to fuck with your head during/after a cycle.

Let me ask you this, if you started a cycle @ 200lbs and ended 12 weeks later at 200lbs, but your clothes fit better, your waist was smaller, your BF% was lower and your measurements all increased... would you care?

Who gives a fuck how much you weigh? Its not how much you weigh... its how much you look like you weigh.

Yes I agree with you 100% , but that is not my case at all, My waist is not smaller, and my bodyfat% has been going up. I take it regularly.
put it this way

dude when ur on pct and even up to 3 to 4 months off the juice your not going to be able to eat like u did on the juice without getting fat. Its normal and better to maintain ur muscle when off the juice than to cut while ur already in a catabolic state. your bodies metabolism and all that shit is crazy high when your on. so either loose muscle mass and get skinny cut or keep eating what u need to, to maintain what u have and gain some fat..easier to loose fat than to gain muscle in the long run
if anything just eat a little cleaner. you have to eat some junk when on to get your calories in. your not working to build muscle when u come off juice, you want to maintain what you have earned
because its the easiest way to fuck with your head during/after a cycle.

Let me ask you this, if you started a cycle @ 200lbs and ended 12 weeks later at 200lbs, but your clothes fit better, your waist was smaller, your BF% was lower and your measurements all increased... would you care?

Who gives a fuck how much you weigh? Its not how much you weigh... its how much you look like you weigh.

great advice.. thumbs up!!
Ya I have to say I think calories are critical. I have to walk a very fine line because my body loves to gain fat and lose muscle (worst genetics ever) so if I'm not careful, either of those things will happen fast if my calories are too high/low.
because its the easiest way to fuck with your head during/after a cycle.

Let me ask you this, if you started a cycle @ 200lbs and ended 12 weeks later at 200lbs, but your clothes fit better, your waist was smaller, your BF% was lower and your measurements all increased... would you care?

Who gives a fuck how much you weigh? Its not how much you weigh... its how much you look like you weigh.

Thats the shit right there!