Losing Gains During/After PCT. Help needed


New member
I did a 8 week cycle of Epistane/Cyanostane (6 weeks) followed by 2 weeks of Halodrol. I had great gains. I started my PCT the following day after taking my last capsule of Halo. PCT was a natural test booster, fish oil and Erase. I have finished my 30 day PCT.

Weight was 175LBS BF 14%. During the peak of my cycle I got to 187LBS. Unsure of BF but my guess would be around 15.5%. I'm currently back at 172LBS and BF is 12%. I did not lose any strength but I have lost a ton of muscle mass. I also started cardio during PCT.

Should I have started PCT during the last week of using PH? What product can I use next time to keep my gains?

Very disappointed right now. Lost 1.5" in biceps, chest and back is significantly smaller.
Food, compound lifts, and maybe avoiding too much cardio?

The natural test boosters work to increase your natural test production, not really get your goods working in the first place.

Did you use HCG as part of your cycle? I've found it helps immensely.
Im already 30 days off PCT and still losing size. I just ordered Clomid from GWP. Should I start using this when I receive it or just save it for my next cycle?
loss is due to losing water weight anyhow a majority.of gains are not.gonna be kept.. moost.cycles u are.lucky to.keep atleast 4-5 lbs of gains n.thats a good gain! but.in.general.dnt let the dcale make or break.u.. keep.diet in.check n training.in.check! shit u should see the doses i take

life hard, train.hard,,, stay thristy my friends
You might be right with the water weight. I look cut up which is great but look very small. I'm going to post before/after pics when I start my next cycle (April). I still need to do more research and get more advice before I cycle again, I still think my PCT on this cycle was not good thus causing me to lose what I put on during cycle.

Any insight on running the Clomid I just purchased or my body has probably recovered since I last took a PH about 45 days ago.
Have you looked into SARMS during PCT, I will be running OSTA through my PCT and have seen great results not only did some of the loggers on this site keep their gains they kept making gains . Might want to look into it.
To start what was your orginal pct??

Next, you ran 2 ph"s and than rolled into a 3rd??? Y??

Anyhow, get some clomid and hcgenerate ES. Run both for 4wks, if your T & dex drive don't come back after 4wjs see an endo
I ran two cycles within 5 months. Haven't started a 3rd and may not as I don't think I have fully recovered. Sex drive is low. Clomid will be here on Thursday. What part of the day is best to take clomid? Before the gym, before bed, in the morning?

Is OSTA something I can run now? Can you recommend a Lab?
I recommend taking Creatine, starting on the last couple days of a cycle and throughout PCT to minimize water loss and that "full" muscle when in PCT.
I ran two cycles within 5 months. Haven't started a 3rd and may not as I don't think I have fully recovered. Sex drive is low. Clomid will be here on Thursday. What part of the day is best to take clomid? Before the gym, before bed, in the morning?

Is OSTA something I can run now? Can you recommend a Lab?

Before bed works for me. Also I wouldn't run OSTA, it is known to lower testosterone.
A well TIMED and well structured pct is essential bro, depending on what compounds you ran abit of water weight loss is likely.
You should maintain a decent diet and keep those calories going in bro, try dropping your workout volume abit and lift heavy and use shorter sessions.
Keep your focus and cut your cardio aswell on pct timing.
Sarms are useful too
If you think you haven't recovered even after PCT then no do not use osta yet as it can be somewhat suppressive but it is a good product to keep and maintain gains throughout PCT provided you ran a proper cycle/PCT.
Started taking clomid. Already feeling better. Now to get to 50 posts so I can source some test or anyone that can PM me is more than welcome to help a bro out.