Lots of food, feel like shit


New member
I'm taking prednisone, which causes bloat. I also cooked a big 'ol pot'o chili today. My abdominal stomach area feels like its gonna explode. Damn'it, I hate it when I feel like this. This is the kind of shit that convinced me to starve myself last year.

Any of ya'all get a lot of pressure in the abdominal area when you eat a shitload of food?
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Pace yourself, When I am bulking I am an eating machine, but I don't just gorge myself in one meal I am constantly eating. It could be gas from the chili that is making you feel so uncomfortable. I feel the very opposite of uncomfortable when I eat a lot. I love to eat good food.
Yeah, maybe it is gas. This problem is always bad with chili. I don't know if it is because I have a hard time slowing down the intake or maybe you are on to something with the gas.

I love to eat, but I admit that I fail to pace myself when I'm eating something that I enjoy. I just hate the feeling of having a big tummy. I despise it, in fact.

Your body will get used to the extra food.

When I am bulking I eat like a machine. Basically I force feed myself....I need to in order to get the 500g of protein plus other nutrients.

Pretty soon you will notice a nice boost in your metabolism. Once that happens you will actually be hungry all the time.

Some days I eat, then 30 mins later I am ready for another meal. I think some of this I have to attribute to me being young, but I'm sure you will have the same type of experience.
Don't get me wrong. Even when I feel like shit, I'm still hungry. I always love food and have a hard time stopping once I get started. You might say that feeling like crap protects me from eating even more.
Increase calories slowly, dont go from a 2500 calorie cutter to 5000 calories overnight.
Something about chili and pizza that make things worse for me. Hrm...maybe it's the tomatoe.

I brought a plastic container of chili to work with me. Already ate it, actually. But since this is all the chili I brought in, I can't eat anymore. Which is a good thing. I've got my tub 'o brown rice here to hopefully get me through until the lunch hour.

I'm not a good calorie counter, I have to admit. If I pick it up at taco bell, then sure it is easy to figure out (over 1,100 calores there the other day...a bit too much for one sitting I decided afterwards). But making your own chili, adding this and that to it, and eating multiple bowls....who knows.