Low Calorie Diet (2K) on Test Cycle?


New member
What would eating a low calorie, high protein diet on a 650mg / week test.e cycle do?

Let's say around 2,000 a day.

If you were weight training 4 days a week, doing cardio 5 times a week, would it strip fat from you quickly and help build some muscle?

Or ideally would you stay on high calories and look to cut a month or so after you've finished your bulking cycle, using your newly gained lean muscle to help accelerate the fat burning process?

it would help you maintain at best. but thats it.

Besides. 2000 calorie diets are for girls and fat people. Don't waste your time.
I say it would waste your gear and money! go at least 3,500 calories keep them clean and dont overtrain. also keep in mind your metabolism is going to rise when your test levels increase.
If you were weight training 4 days a week, doing cardio 5 times a week, would it strip fat from you quickly and help build some muscle?


This isn't going to happen regardless of how many calories you eat.

Fat loss = caloric deficit
Muscle gain = caloric surplus