Low desire to have sex low sensitivity


New member
Hello guys,

Its been like a year since I have this problem. Every time i have sex it feels like I fu*k with a condom. It doesnt feel that good. even on 600 mg of test p a week (been 5 weeks on)

2 days ago i threw in clomid+nolva+provirion combo , that helped me so much finally horny as f*ck and loving sex. ( I use the combo for pct all time , and on pct i have better sexdrive than on cycle]

Do you have any idea why is that? why is my desire and sensitivy so low unless I take the clomid+provirion combo?

22 y/o
200 pounds
11% BF

Thanks :]
Do you have blood work results we can see? I would like to see your estradiol numbers?

How much AI are you taking on your cycle?