Low Sex drive 2 months after pct for sustain and deca cycle


New member
I am 22 years old and took an 8 weeks cycle on sustanon 500mg and deca 400mg per week. My libido was perfect on cycle and during pct, but it crashed 2 weeks after the pct. My PCT was Novaldex 40/40/20. Now i ve read in some thread that clomid and proviron would help restore my low sex drive at 100mg and 50mg per day. I need advise on how i effective the treatment could be and how low will my low sex drive be
Do you have baseline and post-pct blood work that we can see? This will shed light on what is going on.

When did you start PCT after your eight week cycle?

Just curious, why only do an 8 week cycle with deca? It is just starting to kick in given the long ester when you are stopping it?
Well i didn't do any blood work as everything was fine after my pct and i ve done my pct just 2 weeks after my last injection. well its my first cycle and i thought i had planned everything but still there are some loopholes. I just need some counselling help here.
Two weeks is not enough time for deca to clear out of your body. Many guys stop deca 4 weeks before starting PCT. And don't forget that Sustanton has all those different esters in it, including the long lasting ones. You probably should have waiting about 4 weeks before beginning PCT. That is probably why you felt pretty good during PCT since you still had exogenous test in you.

If I were you, I would get blood work tomorrow (Female Hormone Panel at Private MD - Buy Lab Tests Online) and see how you are looking. You very well may need to run PCT again (Nolva and Clomid).

Do you have baseline blood work to compare to?

Just some more advice: do your homework before running a cycle again.
Oh thanks now it got a little clearer for me. should i drop the proviron or run it alongside the climid and novaldex and what should be the dosage ? I will surely be more careful before another cycle as its a bad experience now actually. Thanks
Oh thanks now it got a little clearer for me. should i drop the proviron or run it alongside the climid and novaldex and what should be the dosage ? I will surely be more careful before another cycle as its a bad experience now actually. Thanks

I can't recommend anything without seeing your blood work first. Without that I am just guessing as to what might be going on. Guessing is bad. Look where it got you the first time.