Low test need advices for next cycle


New member
Hallo everyone,
I need for your precious advices.

I've done my last cycle last winter:

- 600 mg Test e a week x 10 weeks
- 40 mg Dbol a day (first 4 weeks)
- 400 mg Deca a week x 9 weeks
- Hcg during entire cycle 500 iu a week (2 x 250 iu)
Clomid 100 - 50 - 50 -50

Now it is about 12 weeks after last day of clomid.

A few days ago I have done my bloodwork and Test level is a bit under normal range.

I had Planned to start my next cycle next week, as lean bulk like this:

- 150 mg EOD Test Prop x 8 weeks
- winstrol tabs 50 mg for last 6 weeks

My qustion is: with this low level of test from bloodwork, can I do this cycle ? it is prudent or should I put the cycle off in time ?It may be a good idea to give up the test and keep only winstrol?

Thankyou very much for your advices and sorry for my english
Time On + PCT = Time Off. So you would be starting your next cycle way too soon. Nor should you start if you have not fully recovered yet.

Additionally, you ran blood work too soon after ending PCT. You should wait at least 6 weeks. But if your TT is still below normal (I.e. less than 350ng/dl) right after ending PCT you have problems. Running a cycle should be your last thought right now. You need to focus on fixing your HPTA.

Can you post your blood work results including reference ranges please?
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Yes I have respected the rule Time on = Time off, now it is about 12 weeks off (last cycle + PCT was about 12 weeks in total)
Why bloodwork too soon? i've done bloodwork last week!
My test value is 2.31 (range 2.49 - 8.36) - lipid profile and liver profile are perfect
Yes I have respected the rule Time on = Time off, now it is about 12 weeks off (last cycle + PCT was about 12 weeks in total)
Why bloodwork too soon? i've done bloodwork last week!
My test value is 2.31 (range 2.49 - 8.36) - lipid profile and liver profile are perfect

You have Hypogonadism. Sorry to be there bearer of bad news. Go see a doctor and figure out what is going on. Perhaps PCT didn't work. Do you know what your TT was at before running your last cycle? You may need to get on TRT -- would need to see all your blood work to provide more insight. Do this before running a cycle.
Denn, Deca is known for lingering in your system for a long time and keeping you shut down. If you do cycle again you better skip the Deca.
Wait till your bloods show you have reached your pre-cycle levels before doing another cycle.
Denn, Deca is known for lingering in your system for a long time and keeping you shut down. If you do cycle again you better skip the Deca.
Wait till your bloods show you have reached your pre-cycle levels before doing another cycle.

Good point!!!

Denn: how long did you wait after your last injection of Deca to start PCT? And last injection of Test?
You have Hypogonadism. Sorry to be there bearer of bad news. Go see a doctor and figure out what is going on. Perhaps PCT didn't work. Do you know what your TT was at before running your last cycle? You may need to get on TRT -- would need to see all your blood work to provide more insight. Do this before running a cycle.

I know that these TT values mean hypogonadism, but it's all a little strange .. last year (exactly one year ago) after PCT my test level was 5.7 ng/dl... and the cycle was Test and Dbol , Hcg during cycle and clomid for PCT
Yes I know about high suppression capacity of deca, but It looked like a great steroid to many other aspects, but as you say, I think I will not use it again!!
Denn, Deca is known for lingering in your system for a long time and keeping you shut down. If you do cycle again you better skip the Deca.
Wait till your bloods show you have reached your pre-cycle levels before doing another cycle.

Yes I know about high suppression capacity of deca, but It looked like a great steroid to many other aspects, but as you say, I think I will not use it again!!
Your cycle plan for a lean bulk is nonetheless a bad idea. Winstrol is for contest prep. Not to mention your even considering running it by itself. You may need to learn a lot more about aas then you currently know. Oral cycles are a no go for men...
So, in your opinion, should I do a Clomid cycle to restore my natural Test?
Or alternatively, can you advise me of effective natural supplements for the purpose? (for example Tongkat ali, tribulus ecc.?)
3 weeks from last pin of deca and 2 weeks from last pin of Test E

It take about 4 weeks for Deca to clear so you started PCT too soon. And you only ran clomid.

I would recommend doing PCT again with Clomid and Nolva. Both of them.
It take about 4 weeks for Deca to clear so you started PCT too soon. And you only ran clomid.

I would recommend doing PCT again with Clomid and Nolva. Both of them.

ok, I start early a new PCT based on clomid and nolva and will do next cycle next winter... :agreed:
And what about supplements? do you know an effective natural supplement maintain optimal test levels when stop PCT?
ok, I start early a new PCT based on clomid and nolva and will do next cycle next winter... :agreed:
And what about supplements? do you know an effective natural supplement maintain optimal test levels when stop PCT?

Natural supps - there are none. Juat have a good diet. Sufficient Vitamin D. Plenty of sleep. Exercise.
Natural supps - there are none. Juat have a good diet. Sufficient Vitamin D. Plenty of sleep. Exercise.

ok, thank you very much for your advices.
But when I will finish my PCT, when can I get tested again to have a reliable TT value? how many days from the PCT end ?
6-8 weeks after PCT should be good.

Perfect, all clear thanks.
I've another question: I am interested primarily in mass increase , then I know I can not give up the testosterone in every cycle that I will do , but apart from Test that is essential, there are steroids that I can choose to avoid the full shoutdown and long time to restore axis?
For example should I avoid ever deca and all progestins? which others? can I replace this with equipoise with success for anabolic support in the next cycles?
Perfect, all clear thanks.
I've another question: I am interested primarily in mass increase , then I know I can not give up the testosterone in every cycle that I will do , but apart from Test that is essential, there are steroids that I can choose to avoid the full shoutdown and long time to restore axis?
For example should I avoid ever deca and all progestins? which others? can I replace this with equipoise with success for anabolic support in the next cycles?

Give the Steroid Profiles a read through. It does a good job of explaining all the different kinds. Just remember, all AAS shut down your HPTA.
