Low Test -- possible contributing cause?

Epic Ed

Still acting 1/2 my age
New to this forum and recently new to testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). After reading a few different accounts, (including Chip's story) plus examining my own experience, I'm wondering if there have been any studies done on the affects of using opiate based painkillers (Vicodin, Percocet, etc.) and low test?

My long story (relatively) short -- I've been active my entire life, had some knee injuries along the way, and last year decided to tackle those problems and had meniscus surgery on each knee in April and June successively. Recovery has been a bitch and rather a-typical for what others have experienced from the same surgery. I was on vicodin a lot longer than expected after both surgeries and took one on occasion even after the initial recovery because the pain has been severe after much of any physical activity that involves me standing or walking.

Further diagnosis from the osteo doc indicates I have osteoarthritis in both knees and we have been pursuing treatment modalities accordingly.

Beginning after the 2nd surgery in June I experienced a noticeable drop in quality of life. I attributed all of this to post-op recovery, and in fact, I'm sure that was at least part of the problem. As the months have progressed, though, I have noticed an extreme drop in energy level, lethargy, poor concentration, loss of sex drive, and general depression. I also gained about 40lbs from 6/09 - 2/10. Part of that weight gain can be attributed to decreased activity after surgery and poor eating habits, but I stayed consistent at the gym working body parts that were possible.

I saw my doc in February for my annual physical and he thought low test might be an issue. A full panel blood test revealed I was on the low end of normal (360) and I began test cyp injections about 3 weeks ago. I feel quite a bit better already and will be posting and asking questions accordingly.

A few things about me that might be relevant -- I just turned 42, I'm 5'10" and weigh around 235lbs currently.

My question -- has anyone found/run across research linking opiate-based pain killers and low test? It seems a lot of people on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) have had some history of pain pill use or abuse and I'm starting to think there might be a connection.