Low Testosterone NEED HELP!!!

hey, i just got my blood test results and its at 14 nmol/L (8.3-29) . doctors says its normal but im 19 years old and having alot of side affect of low test like i cant get a hard on most time, cant concentrate at study, anxiety and low depression and mostly leak of energy.

what should i do go to another doctor and go to a specialist

btw: i did a cycle a year and a half ago of 600mg of test cyp and 200 of deca and post cycle therapy (pct) of clomid
Im in the same boat, i took some supps to strengthen up but i didn't cycle off properly. my test crashed to 32 . Doc has me on 1ml per week of test cypionate. But that's it im wondering if I should be taking something else with it to get my body back to normal. Im 23 years old
Your best bet is to go to somebody who specializes in HPTA restoration such as IMT. We have tons of experience dealing with these specific problems which any doctor that you will see have no clue what they are talking about let alone treat it.

Feel free to email me and we can set up a consultation to get you started and help you back to normal.