Lump under nips during cycle


New member
Monday was my last injection of test prop that I done, I finally got a hold of my test e today and plan to start wed to avoid the EOD injections and prop pain. Going to run @1ml on Wed and Saturday (500mg), I am a little concerned with the lumps under my nips. I've had surgery already in the past from running prohormones so its nerve racking. I have letro on hand and tonight I plan on getting my arimidex to run during cycle .25 ED to prevent any estrogen issues that may come up and lose the water from the test. Should I run the letro @.25 ED or just wait and order the arimidex and run that at the same dose. Just looking for some honest help, thanks everyone!
So I just want to make sure I am understanding correctly. You have gotten gyno in the past (diagnosed by a doc) from using prohormones. You are running an AAS cycle now and your are not using any AI? Not even a SERM as an insurance policy?
Yes, I just ordered liquid anastrozole and plan to run it 0.25 ED throughout my cycle. PCT 40/40/20/20 liquid tamox. Thanks for all of the knowledge man, really educated with this!