Luquid Clen How to use !


New member
Two questions on this stuff, do you put it into a drink a fruit drink for better asorbtion ? and the other ? is the stuff is 120mcg's 30ml ...the dropper has doses of 0.4ml and 0.8ml....would that be 40mcg's for 0.4 and 80mcg's for 0.8ml....Am I right on this! let me know !
the dropers suck for t3 and liquid clen i have a 25gauge 1cc syringe that i use for more accurate measuring so with liquid clen u probably wanna start at 20mcg on day 1 2/10ths of a cc is 24mcg thats close enuff
.4ml would be 48mcg and .8 would be 96mcg