M1-t users

I used Higher Power M1T Plus twice. Great stuff, but even though your liver is protected a bit by the Hawthorne Berry and Milk Thistle, you still will have sides .. my lower back was my main problem. The cramps nearly killed me doing heavy squats. Other than that, great product. Gained about 6 lbs lean muscle (but was over 20lbs during the M1T cycle, but a lot of that was H2O retention).

Good luck.
thats awseome. is there a way to minimize the water retention and maximize the uscle growth??
"M1T, from a mg for mg standpoint is the most powerful anabolic steriod ever created"

- Patrick Arnold (Paraphrase)

I have only used Test Cyp and M1t, and 10 mg/ED of M1t was 10 times more powerfull than even 500 mg of test.
Die$eL~Man said:
wrong ! the most powerful anabolic is insulin !
m1t rips up your liver more than drol ....

Hey go argue with Pat Arnold... I know jack shit next to him. I can't argue about the liver harshness, but I have heard it was comparable to Dbol, Drol, and Halo, not necessarily worse.

Keep in mind if you are going to compare those drugs for toxicity I am sure M1T is worse; but one may take 40mg of Dbol where as one would take only 10 mg of M1T. To do a mg to mg conparison wouldn't give you a usefull answer.
Golgo13 said:
Hey go argue with Pat Arnold... I know jack shit next to him. I can't argue about the liver harshness, but I have heard it was comparable to Dbol, Drol, and Halo, not necessarily worse.

Keep in mind if you are going to compare those drugs for toxicity I am sure M1T is worse; but one may take 40mg of Dbol where as one would take only 10 mg of M1T. To do a mg to mg conparison wouldn't give you a usefull answer.
we all know that m1-t isnt the best thing for the liver but the only reason im taking it is because i know my post cycle therapy (pct) cycle will reduce the harsh effect on my liver
Die$eL~Man said:
wrong ! the most powerful anabolic is insulin !
m1t rips up your liver more than drol ....

yea, pa said most powerful anabolic steroid though... slin isnt a steroid...

you might want to get some milk thistle for post cycle therapy (pct) as well.
slick13 said:
has anybody on M1t try this stuff called Max M1-t Plus???

I have a friend who has been on Max M-1-T Plus for a short while and he has had great results on it but the only problem now is that it is hard to find. I was going to order some myself but I have had no luck finding it. Do you know where I can order this from?
Chyno said:
I have a friend who has been on Max M-1-T Plus for a short while and he has had great results on it but the only problem now is that it is hard to find. I was going to order some myself but I have had no luck finding it. Do you know where I can order this from?

Bro I'm afraid there is no place to order it legally now.
Chyno said:
I have a friend who has been on Max M-1-T Plus for a short while and he has had great results on it but the only problem now is that it is hard to find. I was going to order some myself but I have had no luck finding it. Do you know where I can order this from?

i got mine from www.alrindustries.com a day before proHormones were banned so there is no way anybody can order pH's from there now.
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Anything you guys can recommend that is close to being like it? I found some called M1-T but I don't know how close it comes to being like Max M-1-T Plus. Any suggestions besides gear?