M1T and PCT?


New member
I got Underground Labs' M1T.

Is there a specific post cycle therapy (pct) protocol with this if used as directed? Shoulpost cycle therapy (pct) even be needed at this small dosage?

1 capsule, 2 times daily at 5mg each.

This is what's recommended. I don't want to shut down or anything, but I keep getting conflicting info with this new product.
Most likely you will need PCT.
How long will your cycle be?
Also wouldn't hurt if you posted some stats, cycle experience, etc.

Let me add here: If you haven't already, please research this compound before using it.
This ain't no Andro Bro. This stuff is real....
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I'm 23, 160 plateaued, 5'4". Been working out for 3 or 4 years. I go to the gym for about an hour/hour and a half each day.

This comes in a bottle of 60 tabs. Take 2 a day. It can last for 30 days, but maybe I'll do two two week cycles. Two on, two off, two on, two off.

I've been doing tons on research but much info in conflicting.

What would I need for PCT?
Personally, I'd do a four weeker starting at 10 mg/day.
Also my personal choice for post cycle therapy (pct) would be Nolvadex 40 mg/day for two weeks, 20 mg/day for two weeks, and maybe 10 mg/day for another week. I found this to work very well.
Also keep your blood pressure monitored and get blood work done.
Ok I have no idea what post cycle therapy (pct) is but need to know cause I bought some M-1-T from advanced methyl technologics plan on talking it for 2 weeks 5mg twice a day.Im not new to lifting age 37 weight 222 I work out every other day and my bench routine is 305 5x4 just want to see were it goes. 2/11/04
post cycle therapy (pct) = Post Cycle Therapy

Since M1T is technically a steroid (from what I've read) it will shut down your body's own testosterone. Also the new test in your body will break down to estrogen causing side effects. This is why post cycle therapy (pct) is needed; to rebound your body from the hormonal tailspin you just threw it in.
I have used M1T and Nolvadex at the recommended dosage above will work very well. You will definitely need post cycle therapy (pct) after M1T even at 10mg. It is very strong.:biggthump:
I ordered some liquid nolva, 20 mg/ml - 50ml's.

This is more than enough, huh?

When do you start post cycle therapy (pct) with M1T?
Yeah, I did the math and it seems I've got plenty.

I hope wildman comes back to this thread and drops some results for us.

I started my M1T cycle a week and a half ago. This could be attributed to the fact that I actually had a spotter this time, but my incline DB's went from 75 to 90. I'm guessing a little of both. I probably wouldn't have been able to do it without a spot, but hey...

I'm sure it's probably still too soon to see any results, and they will start coming as soon as the cycle is over. Oh well.

I'll keep my results posted.

So far, I haven't gained any weight, just strength. My muscles definitely look much fuller. I'll keep you guys updated.

Does anyone know when to start post cycle therapy (pct)? 1week? 2weeks? 2 days?
With M-1T...... Is it better to do 5mg twice a day or 10mg once a day? And when is the best time of the day to take them?
with any cycle i have found that ANA (dosage dependant upon predisposed conditions) for the duration of the cycle with clo @ 100mg/d every third week will keep you in tune. after cycle ends (if it does, as a lot of folks never come off)
1mg/d ANA for 7 days with 100mg clo for 7 days then .5mg ANA for 7 days and 50mg/d clo for 7 days and you'll be close. also if you are having trouble with breaking out B5 at 5g - 10g per day will help to dry skin out and of course old reliable 1 or 2 times per week, the tanning bed.
What will happen if I dont take anything for PCT, like Nolvadex. I just started a 2 week @ 10mg a day cycle of M1T and until now have not even heard of post cycle therapy (pct).

I just googled "Nolvadex" and saw something like 60 - 20mg pills for $75 a bottle. Damn.

How will I know if I need to use it?
