I like turtles.
I like injecting, so pinning every 3.5 days isn't a hassle for me at all - especially when I know what it's like to be "natural" with a test level of 120ng/dL. The one big drawback I can think of with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is the constant worry that if the world ever ends, I'm going to need to hit some CVS/Walgreens/Walmarts to stock up! Seriously, it's the constant chasing of proper hormone levels that I found to be a pain in the ass as I'm on a higher testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose than most, which brings with it elevated estradiol levels similar to a guy that cycles. There's also the constant blood donations (and soon to be apheresis) that go hand in hand with rising hematocrit and RBC levels.How manageable would you say testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is? Do you find it debilitating in any way, or is it more of a hassle to take every day?
It seems like that and the perma-limp dick are the only main drawbacks in my book for the AAS use. Hopefully if I chose to do it that wont happen to me ;-)
I am of the opinion that we are all (as men) going to be on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) eventually, but being able to hold off on bi-weekly injects and constant tests/blood donations would have been nice. I don't have a problem with my johnson, so I can't really comment on that part.