help me out..

How manageable would you say testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is? Do you find it debilitating in any way, or is it more of a hassle to take every day?

It seems like that and the perma-limp dick are the only main drawbacks in my book for the AAS use. Hopefully if I chose to do it that wont happen to me ;-)
I like injecting, so pinning every 3.5 days isn't a hassle for me at all - especially when I know what it's like to be "natural" with a test level of 120ng/dL. ;) The one big drawback I can think of with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is the constant worry that if the world ever ends, I'm going to need to hit some CVS/Walgreens/Walmarts to stock up! :p Seriously, it's the constant chasing of proper hormone levels that I found to be a pain in the ass as I'm on a higher testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose than most, which brings with it elevated estradiol levels similar to a guy that cycles. There's also the constant blood donations (and soon to be apheresis) that go hand in hand with rising hematocrit and RBC levels.

I am of the opinion that we are all (as men) going to be on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) eventually, but being able to hold off on bi-weekly injects and constant tests/blood donations would have been nice. I don't have a problem with my johnson, so I can't really comment on that part. :p
Well, you wanted it as blunt as possible. While you can increase the odds that you'll be fine with proper cycle planning and precautions, you do risk permanent shut down no matter what. I do know guys that cycle 2 times a year and have been doing so since they were in their early 20's yet are still fine in their late 30's/early 40's. Genetics play a HUGE role in how you recover/if you recover.

Low-T - Testosterone Replacement & General Men's Health, Articles, and Discussions. is their site and yes they do work with doctors. I don't know the specifics on how they work, but as a forum regular in the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) section of this board I've seen several satisfied customers reporting in there with pleasant experiences. You could always send a pm to Lindsay and I'm sure she'll be able to set you on the right path to see if their services are right for you or not. :) Just look for a yellow name in the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) section if you'd like. ;)

It just fuks with my head man..I have not seen 1 person on any forum who has actually recovered after doing roids at 17 or 18 or even 20 ..most people who say they have fully rcovered have never even had blood work to prove its pretty damn frustrating rite now. And me being in mma , testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is like taboo in the fight world. So I am literally looking for every option to stay natty..thanks for the info tho my dude
Well, you wanted it as blunt as possible. While you can increase the odds that you'll be fine with proper cycle planning and precautions, you do risk permanent shut down no matter what. I do know guys that cycle 2 times a year and have been doing so since they were in their early 20's yet are still fine in their late 30's/early 40's. Genetics play a HUGE role in how you recover/if you recover.

Low-T - Testosterone Replacement & General Men's Health, Articles, and Discussions. is their site and yes they do work with doctors. I don't know the specifics on how they work, but as a forum regular in the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) section of this board I've seen several satisfied customers reporting in there with pleasant experiences. You could always send a pm to Lindsay and I'm sure she'll be able to set you on the right path to see if their services are right for you or not. :) Just look for a yellow name in the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) section if you'd like. ;)

It just fuks with my head man..I have not seen 1 person on any forum who has actually recovered after doing roids at 17 or 18 or even 20 ..most people who say they have fully rcovered have never even had blood work to prove its pretty damn frustrating rite now. And me being in mma , testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is like taboo in the fight world. So I am literally looking for every option to stay natty..thanks for the info tho my dude
It just fuks with my head man..I have not seen 1 person on any forum who has actually recovered after doing roids at 17 or 18 or even 20 ..most people who say they have fully rcovered have never even had blood work to prove its pretty damn frustrating rite now. And me being in mma , testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is like taboo in the fight world. So I am literally looking for every option to stay natty..thanks for the info tho my dude
Well, that's the reason why we tend to advise against younger guys from using AAS. Hopefully some of the younger guys that think they're invincible see your thread, it will make them think twice about it. I know that doesn't help you, but testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) (if you need it) is FAR better than the alternative. Having low testosterone is not only a miserable way to live, but it's dangerous to your health and can kill you if it goes too low. The reason why testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is considered taboo in MMA is because it's how a lot of the fighters were able to circumvent drug testing as they were on AAS and were able to take advantage of the lack of knowledge of the community. testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for medical purposes is no different than getting insulin injections if you're a diabetic, so no need to be ashamed of it. In fact, I find myself talking about it quite often with friends as they're getting older and are starting to see symptoms of a shutting down HPTA.

Hope you can get this sorted out man, it's no fun living life with those levels.

My .02c :)
I like injecting, so pinning every 3.5 days isn't a hassle for me at all - especially when I know what it's like to be "natural" with a test level of 120ng/dL. ;) The one big drawback I can think of with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is the constant worry that if the world ever ends, I'm going to need to hit some CVS/Walgreens/Walmarts to stock up! :p Seriously, it's the constant chasing of proper hormone levels that I found to be a pain in the ass as I'm on a higher testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose than most, which brings with it elevated estradiol levels similar to a guy that cycles. There's also the constant blood donations (and soon to be apheresis) that go hand in hand with rising hematocrit and RBC levels.

I am of the opinion that we are all (as men) going to be on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) eventually, but being able to hold off on bi-weekly injects and constant tests/blood donations would have been nice. I don't have a problem with my johnson, so I can't really comment on that part. :p

When you say that we are going to be on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) eventually are you referring to the fact that our own Test production stalls and we need to take some T to get it back up to youth like levels?

I mean, it doesnt seem so bad, but Im not a huge fan of injections. I can handle it, but I would prefer to not have to stick a needle in my butt for the rest of my life (all though twice a week isnt so bad I suppose).

Oh well, such is life, and what is life without risk? haha.
When you say that we are going to be on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) eventually are you referring to the fact that our own Test production stalls and we need to take some T to get it back up to youth like levels?

I mean, it doesnt seem so bad, but Im not a huge fan of injections. I can handle it, but I would prefer to not have to stick a needle in my butt for the rest of my life (all though twice a week isnt so bad I suppose).

Oh well, such is life, and what is life without risk? haha.

Yes, we as men do go through andropause (think male-menopause) in which we stop producing nearly as much testosterone and start to go down that path of a poor quality of life. There is still a lot to be learned on why or when this is supposed to happen, but more and more studies are coming out as the baby boomers are all reaching this age and noticing that they're not feeling like they once did. It's funny how much of our science in this area comes from this fact that the majority are getting old and looking to stay/feel young. Viagra/Cialis/TRT are all marketed now because of this.

Injecting isn't that bad at all once you get used to it. Even my wife doesn't flinch when she walks into the bedroom and sees a syringe just sitting in me as I let the oil settle post-injection. It's mostly psychological in that we're scared to break that skin barrier as it is not a natural thing to do, and is why so many PIP threads pop up as the guy doing it is shaking like a leaf doing so!

Then again, I have that unique perspective of knowing what that little needle does for me. I can be a giant fat weepy bitch that has memory problems and no interest in sex, or a fire-breathing beast of a man that has control over his domain. Pretty simple decision to make for me. ;)
Well, that's the reason why we tend to advise against younger guys from using AAS. Hopefully some of the younger guys that think they're invincible see your thread, it will make them think twice about it. I know that doesn't help you, but testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) (if you need it) is FAR better than the alternative. Having low testosterone is not only a miserable way to live, but it's dangerous to your health and can kill you if it goes too low. The reason why testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is considered taboo in MMA is because it's how a lot of the fighters were able to circumvent drug testing as they were on AAS and were able to take advantage of the lack of knowledge of the community. testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for medical purposes is no different than getting insulin injections if you're a diabetic, so no need to be ashamed of it. In fact, I find myself talking about it quite often with friends as they're getting older and are starting to see symptoms of a shutting down HPTA.

Hope you can get this sorted out man, it's no fun living life with those levels.

My .02c :)
Rite on bro, I feel that even if I do some how restart, by the the I am 30 or 35 I'm gonna be screwed anyway Cuz of the mistakes I have already testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) doesn't seem that bad when you put it like that..and yea if the world ends or shit hits the fan, its really gonna come down to who has the bigger gun and the most ammo tbh;)
Looks like Halfwit nailed it as usual. I would get to the root of the problem. I am pretty sure IMT will not be able to work with you due to your age. A lot of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) companies do not like to work with anyone under age 30 but there can be some exceptions I am sure. The worst case scenario is maybe you can get a consultation from them and perhaps ask them if they have any idea what your issue is via blood work. Just be patient. I would try to get to the bottom of this. We all know that there are other hormones that need to be looked at because they all work with or against each other. You could have adrenal fatigue and that could explain why you have lower T levels or you could have some thyroid or cortisol imbalances. I would find another doctor/specialist and google for the nearest hormone clinic or anti-aging clinic in your area. Also, I would suggest you stay away from Endocrinologists. During my experience, I have found that D.O's (Doctors of Osteopathy) actually work better for people with hormone problems. I would also focus on cutting some bad habits if you have them such as drinking alcohol, smoking, prescription pills, bad diet, sugars, etc. Focus on working on and get that diet in check as that can help immensely. I would also have a doctor check your testicals and perhaps a MRI of your pituitary gland just to make sure all is well.
Yes, we as men do go through andropause (think male-menopause) in which we stop producing nearly as much testosterone and start to go down that path of a poor quality of life. There is still a lot to be learned on why or when this is supposed to happen, but more and more studies are coming out as the baby boomers are all reaching this age and noticing that they're not feeling like they once did. It's funny how much of our science in this area comes from this fact that the majority are getting old and looking to stay/feel young. Viagra/Cialis/TRT are all marketed now because of this.

Injecting isn't that bad at all once you get used to it. Even my wife doesn't flinch when she walks into the bedroom and sees a syringe just sitting in me as I let the oil settle post-injection. It's mostly psychological in that we're scared to break that skin barrier as it is not a natural thing to do, and is why so many PIP threads pop up as the guy doing it is shaking like a leaf doing so!

Then again, I have that unique perspective of knowing what that little needle does for me. I can be a giant fat weepy bitch that has memory problems and no interest in sex, or a fire-breathing beast of a man that has control over his domain. Pretty simple decision to make for me. ;)

Hmm that is a very good point.

So tell me, what strain of AAS will allow me to breath fire? Cause I think thats the addition I want to do first...
Then again, I have that unique perspective of knowing what that little needle does for me. I can be a giant fat weepy bitch that has memory problems and no interest in sex, or a fire-breathing beast of a man that has control over his domain. Pretty simple decision to make for me. ;)

I'm so glad I came to this forum, It's funny how you go through life not knowing there is a problem and then you read how things are supposed to be. I know when this cycle ends I will likely need testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) because This is me Half....shity. I would have never known there was an issue before reading this stuff. Thinking about upping my Test prop on cycle just to overcome some of these issues. Mostly sex drive and memory. We are lucky to have the experience this board offers.
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Well, that's the reason why we tend to advise against younger guys from using AAS. Hopefully some of the younger guys that think they're invincible see your thread, it will make them think twice about it. I know that doesn't help you, but testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) (if you need it) is FAR better than the alternative. Having low testosterone is not only a miserable way to live, but it's dangerous to your health and can kill you if it goes too low. The reason why testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is considered taboo in MMA is because it's how a lot of the fighters were able to circumvent drug testing as they were on AAS and were able to take advantage of the lack of knowledge of the community. testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for medical purposes is no different than getting insulin injections if you're a diabetic, so no need to be ashamed of it. In fact, I find myself talking about it quite often with friends as they're getting older and are starting to see symptoms of a shutting down HPTA.

Hope you can get this sorted out man, it's no fun living life with those levels.

My .02c :)

Rite on bro, I feel that even if I successfully restart, when I hit 30 or 35 I'm gonna be low in test anyway especially since I am low already at 20, so I guess there are some good ways to look at it..and yea if the world went crazy and shit hits the fan then its really gonna come down to who has the biggest gun and most ammo tbh ;)
Looks like Halfwit nailed it as usual. I would get to the root of the problem. I am pretty sure IMT will not be able to work with you due to your age. A lot of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) companies do not like to work with anyone under age 30 but there can be some exceptions I am sure. The worst case scenario is maybe you can get a consultation from them and perhaps ask them if they have any idea what your issue is via blood work. Just be patient. I would try to get to the bottom of this. We all know that there are other hormones that need to be looked at because they all work with or against each other. You could have adrenal fatigue and that could explain why you have lower T levels or you could have some thyroid or cortisol imbalances. I would find another doctor/specialist and google for the nearest hormone clinic or anti-aging clinic in your area. Also, I would suggest you stay away from Endocrinologists. During my experience, I have found that D.O's (Doctors of Osteopathy) actually work better for people with hormone problems. I would also focus on cutting some bad habits if you have them such as drinking alcohol, smoking, prescription pills, bad diet, sugars, etc. Focus on working on and get that diet in check as that can help immensely. I would also have a doctor check your testicals and perhaps a MRI of your pituitary gland just to make sure all is well.

Ya my endo said a MRI is not necessary because my blood test don't seem to be showing any signs of a tumor and I got a ultrasound and there was nothing there..but some variocel veins .. so it just seems like the steroids fukd me over on this one
Hmm that is a very good point.

So tell me, what strain of AAS will allow me to breath fire? Cause I think thats the addition I want to do first...
Testosterone at 800mg/ml? JUST KIDDING - I've seen stuff like that and it scares the bejesus out of me! If you're hypogonadal, ANY testosterone makes a HUGE difference. It's crazy really.
I'm so glad I came to this forum, It's funny how you go through life not knowing there is a problem and then you read how things are supposed to be. I know when this cycle ends I will likely need testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) because This is me Half....shity. I would have never known there was an issue before reading this stuff. Thinking about upping my Test prop on cycle just to overcome some of these issues. Mostly sex drive and memory. We are lucky to have the experience this board offers.
I spent 10 years without knowing why I was feeling the way I was. Almost got a divorce and was put on a TON of drugs I didn't need. If it wasn't for boards like this one, I never would have known to look in that direction; my doctors surely didn't. ;) It's ridiculous how much we depend on proper hormone levels to even function properly.
Rite on bro, I feel that even if I successfully restart, when I hit 30 or 35 I'm gonna be low in test anyway especially since I am low already at 20, so I guess there are some good ways to look at it..and yea if the world went crazy and shit hits the fan then its really gonna come down to who has the biggest gun and most ammo tbh ;)

Well, I have the guns and ammo covered - just gotta have that test to keep me from blowing everyone up. ;) Only time can tell what will happen to you. I do hope you get this solved, and as riprockwell mentioned - there are a TON of other causes that can trigger low-test. OD's are a great place to look too if IMT can't steer you in the right direction. Best of luck sir! :)