

New member
I plan on doing a cycle of M1T Plus for 3 weeks then post cycle therapy (pct). The M1T plus has milk thistle already in it to help out the liver, so will I need take anything else for it. Also should I stack 4AD with this to prevent libido, if so how much. I will start at 10 mg for the first week then up the dose to 20 mg a week. I have taken 1AD and a 4AD cycle before. My stats are 20 years old have competed in 2 bodybuilding competitions so far, 5’8 wt 150 9%bf. I am going for a mass building cycle. Trying to put on some lb's.:D
Since you compete, why not come to the other side of the tracks? :D

If you can, get your hands on the real deal post cycle therapy (pct) drugs. Better safe than sorry. M1T is a steroid.
That will come later, I dont have time for the real stuff now. I just have time for a quick 3 week short legal cycle.