
It would be different if the stuff was legal... but if you are going to buy something illegal, there are much better alternatives to M1T when you consider the cost/benefit ratio.
I reckon so - m1t is high up there - but then again, there are those people who run drol, halo, cheque - which are about on par with m1t
No doubt, dont even bother with that M1t garbage if you can get your hands on real gear, but yes you can still get M1t.
Behemoth said:
It would be different if the stuff was legal... but if you are going to buy something illegal, there are much better alternatives to M1T when you consider the cost/benefit ratio.
if youre referring to the monetary cost/benefit ratio, then m1t has gear hands down...unless you of course you know of any real gear that allows you to gain upwards of 20 retainable pounds in 4 weeks for $50 ($10 m1t + 2 $20 bottles of 4ad). I have no clue what gear costs, but im gonna take a wild guess and assume its more than m1t.:dunno: If not, then nevermind, youre right.:D

if you mean sides/benefit ratio...then yea, there probably are better alternatives. But then again, i have friends that have run m1t multiple times, without a testosterone, had very little sides (water retention, acne, deepened/cracking voice), and kept most of their gains with no post cycle therapy (pct). From everything ive read, thats probably a horrible idea, but it worked for them. :dunno:
i took it once for i believe three weeks and gained 15 pounds kept about 12. i didn't run anything else with it (of course i took a PCT). and i had pretty much no sides...no acne, a LITTLE lethargic here and there.
i think PH's and M1t was good for guys who are far from their genetic potential...the guys who rant and rave about superdrol are usually 150-160 and when they gain 20 pounds...they still look somewhat skinny.... just my opinion im probably 100 percent wrong but thats how i feel about PHs and m1t and superdrol.
rookie03 said:
i think PH's and M1t was good for guys who are far from their genetic potential...the guys who rant and rave about superdrol are usually 150-160 and when they gain 20 pounds...they still look somewhat skinny.... just my opinion im probably 100 percent wrong but thats how i feel about PHs and m1t and superdrol.

I feel the exact same way as far as far as most phs go, i hear a lot of crap about things like halodrol and promagnon, which are simply prohormones and could not have better effects than their targets - but you have to take in effect that m1t for example IS a steroid - one of the most potent steroids known to man at that. SD is also a steroid - phs will never be as effective as steroids - and some steroids make it through the red tape. So you just have to make the distinction between prohormone and steroid, and discern for yourself with research of the chemisty AND reported effects, never listen to the advertisments, and ALWAYS be skeptical.
i have done 2 cycles of M1T..strength and wt gains were great. and i was over 190 the 1st time i took it and over 200 the second time. and if i told you the doses i took most wouldnt believe me. never the less it was way less than most take. alot less.

the big problem I found with it is lathargy, extreme lower back pumps, and appitite supression.
I Have An Unopened Bottole Of M1t And I Was Wondering...if I Start Taking T...do I Need To Take Anything With It Such As Liver Protection? And When I Stop Will I Ever Produce The Same Amount Of Testosterone Naturally Ever Again?
no one can tell you if you for sure will go back to your exact same levels as before, yes you should take liver support, and you should have proper pct.