Behemoth said:It's no longer legal, which means there is pretty much no point in taking it.
you obviously have absolutely no clue as to what youre talking about.gator_mclusky said:M1t...all the sides of steroids without all the gains!
if youre referring to the monetary cost/benefit ratio, then m1t has gear hands down...unless you of course you know of any real gear that allows you to gain upwards of 20 retainable pounds in 4 weeks for $50 ($10 m1t + 2 $20 bottles of 4ad). I have no clue what gear costs, but im gonna take a wild guess and assume its more than m1t.Behemoth said:It would be different if the stuff was legal... but if you are going to buy something illegal, there are much better alternatives to M1T when you consider the cost/benefit ratio.
rookie03 said:i think PH's and M1t was good for guys who are far from their genetic potential...the guys who rant and rave about superdrol are usually 150-160 and when they gain 20 pounds...they still look somewhat skinny.... just my opinion im probably 100 percent wrong but thats how i feel about PHs and m1t and superdrol.
i hope your joking other wise your asking for a source and this get you banned here.rockchalk said:can anyone hook me up?
superman77 said:m1t is crap