M5AA post cycle therapy (pct) advice needed


New member
M5AA PCT advice needed

I know a lot of my questions on here aren't that serious. But I'd like some help. I'm thinkin about starting a cycle of M5AA Masterdrol V.2. 2 capsules perday for probobly 2-3 weeks. I'd like to know what is the easiest way to get the post cycle therapy (pct) I'll need and how to best use them. Do I just start as soon as I see any side effects? So advice is welcome.

you would probably only need 6oxo for a m5aa cycle though nolva or clomid would work great (and cheaper, and more effective) - you wont notice much gain from a 3 week cycle of m5aa, especially at that dosage. if the sides get to much for you, you can stop the cycle and start pct
I'm not that knowledgeable on post cycle therapy (pct) products. Is 6oxo, Nolva, or Clomid legal? And if so where can I find them? I need legal PCT's if possible.

I was thinking I could possibly stack it with M4AD, but i'm not sure at what dosage. Or if M4AD and M5AA would stack well together or not.

But as far as the M5AA goes, I was thinking maybe stepping it up to 3 pills or so a day after a week or maybe less.

Advice is welcome. Thanks
Your post cycle therapy (pct) would be the same as for any cycle of androgens. post cycle therapy (pct) info can be found alllllll over this board.
I've tried looking for post cycle therapy (pct) advice on Pro hormones. There isn't much, I hear a lot about the common clomid, nolva, and 6oxo. Still looking where to find the oral versions. It would be nice if I could find a site i could get both the prohormone and the post cycle therapy (pct) from.
Be safe and follow the post cycle therapy (pct) protocols for real gear. Prohormones will suppress you just as much as real gear, so post cycle therapy (pct) should be treated accordingly. Plenty of info in the anabolics section.

You need to go to a "research" site which sells liquid nolva, clomid, etc, for "research" purposes only. There are tons of such sites.