Macro Ratio seems ridiculous!?


New member
Ok, so alot of people seem to follow the ol' ratio of 40-40-20, now I can see this working on a 3k calorie diet or less, but what about for those of us BULKING!? I require atleast 5k calories to bulk, which if following this ratio, would give me 500carbs, and 500protein? Now, I know protien is important, but thats well over 2g per Lb of BW. Is it a waste?

Would a different Macro Ratio be more realistic, or beneficaial when you require so many calories?
lol... yea i get asked this question all the time.. i bulk at 4-5k caloires..

i would say keep your protein between 300 and 350.. no need for more and let the rest be filled in with carbs and some filled in with fats..

ideally the higher your carbs the lower you wanna keep your fats
lol... yea i get asked this question all the time.. i bulk at 4-5k caloires..

i would say keep your protein between 300 and 350.. no need for more and let the rest be filled in with carbs and some filled in with fats..

ideally the higher your carbs the lower you wanna keep your fats

Ha, I figured you might! I just recently started taking the diet aspect more serious, (I write down everthing I eat) and total up the carbs, pro, fat, and obviously cals. BUT, I started realizing even to MAINTAIN I Need about 4k calories, which I dont understand, but I know everyone is different, so like I said, 4800-5500 I start seeing SLIGHT weight increase while keeping lean.

Then, I started taking it MORE serious, you know, trying to get that "ratio" and when I researched 40-40-20 seemed like a good idea, but at 5k calories I would HAVE to live on a farm and raise my own animals to get that level of protein!

Thanks for the response BTW, its much appreciated!