madison james peptides ?????????


I am banned!
has anyone ever used this site,i ordered some cabergolin from them and was wondering if it was legit???they are .5 mg pills.
They sold caber in the past that was actually prami but they dosed it at caber doses and a ton of people got sick as dogs. They also sold tb500 that wasnt tb500 at all and a bunch of people got sick and had horrible, anaphylactic type reactions to it. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I would never use them bro....never. the 2 above mentioned things are serious issues, especially the tb500. Although Im sure the prami fuck up was a horrible expereince for people imagine the tb500 ordeal, having no fucking idea what you just injected into your body that made you short of breath and made you unable to breathe properly.
Please stay away in the future.
It was the only peptide site with it in pill form, I read liquid caber is boo boo. My source has it but I forgot to add it to my order. I was going to use prami but I have read some people lose sex drive and caber is e3d and u are like a rocket no Decca deek.
It was the only peptide site with it in pill form, I read liquid caber is boo boo. My source has it but I forgot to add it to my order. I was going to use prami but I have read some people lose sex drive and caber is e3d and u are like a rocket no Decca deek.

Yeah caber is not stable in liquid form.
Hey just so you know Prami doesnt make you lose sex drive, just the opposite. Prami and Caber are dopamine agoinists. The difference is this. In addition to agonizing D2 receptors Prami agonizes D3 receptors. The D3 recptor is vital to male sexual function. Prami has the most dramatic positive impact on sex drive and sexual performance of all the dopamine agonists.
The thing with prami is some times people take too large a dose too soon and the have side effects like nausea. You have to take it low, like .25mg/day for a week to 10 days then up it to .5mg/day from then on. Even though its usually dosed at 1mg I have never needed to go over .5mg. Take it at night before bed because it makes you tired and it also makes you horny as fuck.
Either way I just hope you actually GOT caber cause as I pointed out MJR sucks and is notorious for selling stuff that isnt what it is supposed to be.
So I am doing a test run with my caber, they are powder filled pills so I poor them into a water bottle and drink half. They are. 5mg. I woke up feeling normal major morning wood. I do not know how fast they kick in but my test run will be a week. Do not want to get sick on cycle.
Prami and caber do the same thing but are slightly different. Caber I'm not sure but taken twice a week i think I've never used it but prami I know alot about and have used many times. You can take it ed or oed and prami also raises natural gh not a crazy amount but a beneficial amount. You start with a low dose on prami and work you way up every 3 or 4 day. I started at .15mg and worked my way to .50mg at .50mg prami raise gh 5x above your normal base but that effect only last about 2 hours. Prami is a 12 hour drug and can make you sleepy when you first start dosing it so for that reason and the increase in gh I take mine directly before bed. My prolactin stays under control with a dose as small as .20 once a day at night. So it's pretty strong every person has to experiment a little with it.
Fukaske bro you got the best rc and peptide company in the business right at the top of this page and your saying like every company but them. Just use Rui and be done with it.