Maintaining big mass with testosterone only possible ?


New member
Im just wondering what your guys opinion on this is . Say someone well over their genetic potential , a pro BB ... they've used AAS , insulin , GH , IGF 1 and anything else to assist with the physique they have . Once they reach there , do you think that those gains can be maintained and kept with only a significant amount of test ( of course assuming calories and training are there ) ? Or do u think that muscle which was helped made with the aid of other thing like GH , insulin , igf 1 would slowly disappear ?

so simply put , do u think test alone at a significant dose and calories can maintain physique of say 265lb muscle ? even if that physique was aided with more then just aas ?
I do the formula is normal testosterone levels and 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight as a starting point. Every one is different some may need more some less. It should also be note that exercise must me maintained ata level that promotes the muscle. If you don't use it you will loos it.
They have been training at that level for years and the returns at that level diminish , get it the returns diminish, so to get to the extreme level is where all the other chemicals, compounds , hormones etc.. come in. Take away the extreme additives and you loose the extreme physique.

So given that you will lose some or a lot remember the workouts and the eating habits and calories. A man can only do all of that intensity for so many years. As you lessen all the ingredients so lessens the physique.

However a man given good health and adequate diet and calories along with the training with added Testosterone can keep much of what he has. But not the extreme. As the body ages so the intensity diminishes and ergo the returns diminish.

Ask me and I'll show you. :(
I have a question. do you think pro bodybuilders cruise at level at 1500 ng/dl at least? Because they are so big.

I think everyone by now has stopped acknowledging your senseless questions about now.

Do not try to highjack this man's thread.
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In truth I have spoke with NFL lineman that only used 300mg a week to maintain over 300 pound status. In their business if they go below 300 pounds then they are out of a job.

Gaining would take more, but preserving mass will depend on how much it took to get passed your genetic limit in the first place.

*I do not condone cycling and my conversations are for hypothetical purposes only.
You definitely could. It would just not be the healthiest option. Cruising on test/mast/hgh would just be much healthier.
Probably, understand if one were to try something like that and do it without causing major damage lots of blood work would have to be taken.

Referring to my above post they got it once per week.

Proper hydration and enzymatic optimization would be essential.
Im just wondering what your guys opinion on this is . Say someone well over their genetic potential , a pro BB ... they've used AAS , insulin , GH , IGF 1 and anything else to assist with the physique they have . Once they reach there , do you think that those gains can be maintained and kept with only a significant amount of test ( of course assuming calories and training are there ) ? Or do u think that muscle which was helped made with the aid of other thing like GH , insulin , igf 1 would slowly disappear ?

so simply put , do u think test alone at a significant dose and calories can maintain physique of say 265lb muscle ? even if that physique was aided with more then just aas ?

My OPINION? Yes, it is possible but, it will dependant on the individual. And provided enough calories are consumed to support the individual. I do, however, think that there will be a difference in body comp.
If i remember correctly through a course i took for personal training , once one achieves a physique ( we are however talking natural in this sense ) .... it only requires something like 30% of the original effort it took to get that physique in order to maintain it . These were actual facts taught in the course
For me, I can blast and gain 10-15 of decent LMM and when I drop back to my TRT dose of Test I dont lose any weight as long as I keep intaking the calories.
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