Making injctable Winny with Animals kit???


New member
I purchased 40 ml of animal's magic solution and I got 3 bottles. 1 40ml with an A or H (I couldn't decide which one it was). 1 40ml of his E solution and then another 40ml bottle of something that has this written on it "add one drop per ml/g, N/S"

Ok, That is all the instructions I recieved. I think I'm supposed to add 2.5ml E solution to 1g Winstrol (winny) powder and then what do I do with the bottle that says ad "drops". I use this mixture with oil and i get a VERY cloudy mix that doesn't look very consistent in mixture. Anyone know what to do with this stuff?
Animal kits says.....

E kits.
Tren Ace in water only! Winstrol (winny) at 2.5ml/1g, Anavar at 2.5-3ml/g, Oxymeth, Tne in oil or water, Tp, OHT which I've called 4ADOH. Winstrol (winny) and anavar can be end run to oil or water.

Winstrol (winny) and Anavar both have Mp's of 225 or so and if the E kits work for them, they will work for everything.
Animalkits said:
What a dumbass!

I hope it failed miserably.

Well, instead of calling this guy a dumbass and hoping he fails, try to at least help him out. Let him know what else he needs or something. Otherwise, he's just sitting in his kitchen with a handful of chemicals and gear that he can't use.
Come 'on TX, the guy came over here to claim his problems right out in the open without even an email.

That's cool, right?

He also must have presented himself as to being in the know when he ordered bulk instead of kit.
And this was his OTHER thread! It wasn't ONE time to try and cause problems, but two.

What do you think of this guy?

BTW, this EXACT formula is being shipped to a LARGE company in Canada, so I guess I know the show!

roidjuice said:
I'm in the middle of a 1g conversion of Winstrol (winny) and am having problems. I am using 2.5ml of animal's E solution and it seemed to disolve nicely. i added oil and it turned into a coudy mix. I then drew it into the syringe (it was about 190 degrees or so) and pushed 1/2 of it throught teh .45um whatman filter. It filtered easily at first and then it slowed and the about 1/2 way throught, I coul;dn't push it through the filter. I now have almost perfectly clear oil in the sterile recieving vial and cloudy shit in the syringe. Anyone have any ideas?