Making testosterone


New member
Alright, so I'm no chem major..just a little old nursing student, but this is the type of stuff I could sit pondering for days. How in the world did someone sit down and think to themselves "I think I'll make me some testosterone today."? I understand the majority of synthetic test is produced form some sort of Mexican yam which forms the basis for the hormone (like cholesterol), but there have to be crazy difficult steps in between there and the finished product. I suppose it'd go something like this?

Testerone from bacteria culture
US Patent # 2,236,574

Suspend 40g yeast in 160 ml water and add, if possible, 1.5g of disodium hydrogen phosphate and potassium dihydrogen phosphate. Shake in oxygen atmosphere for 1 day and then add lg (1000mg) DHEA suspended in 150ml of
water and shake for another 2 days in oxygen atmosphere. Then add 130g invert sugar (or brown sugar or honey) and let stand 3 days at room temperature. The mixture is then extracted with three 50ml portions of ether (shaken with the
ether then the ether separated) or methylene chloride, and the ether washed by shaking with water and separating ether solution. Evaporate ether to get testosterone.

But even then, how sophisticated are the microscopes they use to compare the known structure of testosterone to their product? How do we really know we're getting testosterone exactly..because if its not..its essentially worthless right?
I'm not talking about making it myself lol. I'd be an idiot to think I could actually make powders. I'm just wondering how they found out how to chemically formulate a method that yields a perfectly identical molecule of testosterone. Also how the big pharmaceutical manufacturers ensure its identical.