Making the DMT designer steroid



DMT (desoxymethyltestosterone) synthesis:

React epiandrosterone with p-toluenesulfonyl chloride and trimethylpyridine to remove the hydroxyl group at C-3 of the steroid ring system. A pair of olefin isomers form, the 3-ene and 2-ene. Reaction of these intermediates with methyllithium adds a methyl group to C-17 and converts the keto group there to a hydroxyl group, resulting in DMT.
um, tosylcholride is pretty toxic stuff... im not sure if i want to be injected something made from that. haha, eh im sure there is worse stuff in our tap water and beef alone.

your reaction looks pretty brief, did you get this from a patent? i'd be interested in seeing a reaction scheme, such as temps and concentrations. just curious, thanks.