Making the most of my cycle


New member
Hello, new to this board. I'm going to be running a cycle starting this week. I've dabbled in cycles before, doing an underdosed test only cycle two years ago and some orals several years ago.

What I have (PCT and anti-e as well):
5000 mg Test E
2000 mg Mast E

35 years old
6'2" 180 ~12% bf. Was about 195 lbs with 16% bf a few months ago before I got serious in the gym.
Spend an hour at a Crossfit facility doing both traditional weight training as well as a WOD/metcon four times a week. 1 day at a regular gym hitting some things that don't come up as much at CF.

Goals: Add lean mass. I realize many of you will say I should go all out on bulking, but I have no desire to be particularly big. Long term goal is to be 200 lbs with as low a bf% as possible. I realize that by remaining committed to the gym and my diet as I have been, I can only help myself. But I really don't want to see any increase in bf%. I understand I must ramp up calories during this, I just want to be smart about it! Gaining 20 lbs on a cycle with the gear I have is quite doable, but I'd rather not gain that much if it means my bf% will increase.

Plan was to run Test E at 500mg/wk for 10 weeks and add in 400mg of Mast for 5 weeks in the middle or end of the cycle. Does that make sense given what I have? Any other advice would also be appreciated. Thanks!
Hello, new to this board. I'm going to be running a cycle starting this week. I've dabbled in cycles before, doing an underdosed test only cycle two years ago and some orals several years ago.

What I have (PCT and anti-e as well):
5000 mg Test E
2000 mg Mast E

35 years old
6'2" 180 ~12% bf. Was about 195 lbs with 16% bf a few months ago before I got serious in the gym.
Spend an hour at a Crossfit facility doing both traditional weight training as well as a WOD/metcon four times a week. 1 day at a regular gym hitting some things that don't come up as much at CF.

Goals: Add lean mass. I realize many of you will say I should go all out on bulking, but I have no desire to be particularly big. Long term goal is to be 200 lbs with as low a bf% as possible. I realize that by remaining committed to the gym and my diet as I have been, I can only help myself. But I really don't want to see any increase in bf%. I understand I must ramp up calories during this, I just want to be smart about it! Gaining 20 lbs on a cycle with the gear I have is quite doable, but I'd rather not gain that much if it means my bf% will increase.

Plan was to run Test E at 500mg/wk for 10 weeks and add in 400mg of Mast for 5 weeks in the middle or end of the cycle. Does that make sense given what I have? Any other advice would also be appreciated. Thanks!

I know you said your diet is on point w/your training but if your concerned with gaining too much body fat why not hire a diet coach? I did and was really pleased with it. We took measurements once a week to make sure we were heading in the right direction. Go to the diet portion of this form and talk to 3j he's very reasonably priced. You will get your money's worth no doubt.
You're going to need more test than just 5000mg or 2vials. You'll lose some in each pin unless you take steps to minimize the loss, there will always be some at the bottom of the vial that you can't get at, and its recommended to run the enanthate ester for 12wks not 10 since you won't notice "kick in" until about 4-6wks in. Make sure you have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), clomid and Nolva for PCT, and get blood work done.

Also gaining 20lbs of skeletal muscle on a cycle is unreasonable. 20lbs of lean body mass is definitely doable but that includes water, glycogen, tendon and connective tissue, muscle, etc. if you're worried about fat gains, that is predicated by your diet not the gear. I'd suggest a lower caloric surplus around 10-15% on top of TDEE to keep fat gains minimum. You cannot expect to build muscle though without some added fat gain.
You're going to need more test than just 5000mg or 2vials. You'll lose some in each pin unless you take steps to minimize the loss, there will always be some at the bottom of the vial that you can't get at, and its recommended to run the enanthate ester for 12wks not 10 since you won't notice "kick in" until about 4-6wks in. Make sure you have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), clomid and Nolva for PCT, and get blood work done.

Also gaining 20lbs of skeletal muscle on a cycle is unreasonable. 20lbs of lean body mass is definitely doable but that includes water, glycogen, tendon and connective tissue, muscle, etc. if you're worried about fat gains, that is predicated by your diet not the gear. I'd suggest a lower caloric surplus around 10-15% on top of TDEE to keep fat gains minimum. You cannot expect to build muscle though without some added fat gain.

I don't have HCG as my source did not carry it. Is it essential?