Hello, new to this board. I'm going to be running a cycle starting this week. I've dabbled in cycles before, doing an underdosed test only cycle two years ago and some orals several years ago.
What I have (PCT and anti-e as well):
5000 mg Test E
2000 mg Mast E
35 years old
6'2" 180 ~12% bf. Was about 195 lbs with 16% bf a few months ago before I got serious in the gym.
Spend an hour at a Crossfit facility doing both traditional weight training as well as a WOD/metcon four times a week. 1 day at a regular gym hitting some things that don't come up as much at CF.
Goals: Add lean mass. I realize many of you will say I should go all out on bulking, but I have no desire to be particularly big. Long term goal is to be 200 lbs with as low a bf% as possible. I realize that by remaining committed to the gym and my diet as I have been, I can only help myself. But I really don't want to see any increase in bf%. I understand I must ramp up calories during this, I just want to be smart about it! Gaining 20 lbs on a cycle with the gear I have is quite doable, but I'd rather not gain that much if it means my bf% will increase.
Plan was to run Test E at 500mg/wk for 10 weeks and add in 400mg of Mast for 5 weeks in the middle or end of the cycle. Does that make sense given what I have? Any other advice would also be appreciated. Thanks!
What I have (PCT and anti-e as well):
5000 mg Test E
2000 mg Mast E
35 years old
6'2" 180 ~12% bf. Was about 195 lbs with 16% bf a few months ago before I got serious in the gym.
Spend an hour at a Crossfit facility doing both traditional weight training as well as a WOD/metcon four times a week. 1 day at a regular gym hitting some things that don't come up as much at CF.
Goals: Add lean mass. I realize many of you will say I should go all out on bulking, but I have no desire to be particularly big. Long term goal is to be 200 lbs with as low a bf% as possible. I realize that by remaining committed to the gym and my diet as I have been, I can only help myself. But I really don't want to see any increase in bf%. I understand I must ramp up calories during this, I just want to be smart about it! Gaining 20 lbs on a cycle with the gear I have is quite doable, but I'd rather not gain that much if it means my bf% will increase.
Plan was to run Test E at 500mg/wk for 10 weeks and add in 400mg of Mast for 5 weeks in the middle or end of the cycle. Does that make sense given what I have? Any other advice would also be appreciated. Thanks!