Maltodextrin, Waxy Mase, etc. Why not pure fruit?

Chicago Made

New member
I always hear everyone talking about these other supplements that are needed post w/o, but would throwing some frozen fruits in a blender serve that same purpose?

It's what my buddies been doing and it works for him (or so it seems).
fruit is fine, but most fruit is predominantly fructose, which fills liver glycogen. what you want pwo is starch (waxy maize) or glucose (dextrose), which fill muscle glycogen.

waxy maize and dextrose arent the only carb sources, you can just as well eat a high carb meal, and fructose is beneficial pwo as well, but I wouldnt generally eat only fruit pwo.
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Suareezay said:
fruit is fine, but most fruit is predominantly fructose, which fills liver glycogen. what you want is glucose, which fills muscle glycogen.

I see. What fruits have more glucose than most others?
bingo_soothes said:
I see. What fruits have more glucose than most others?
i can never remember this. ill have to look it up. a google search would probably turn up plenty of results.
While fruit does serve a purpose post workout. It is definitely not the optimal form of sugar for post workout. Malto, Dextrose, Waxy Maize, are all far superior in replacing muscle glycogen.
How about a honey & bananna sandwhich on whole wheat (Ezekiel bread, the real good s**t) bread w/ a peach or some cherries (switch it up for variety)

Sounds like a good idea? What do you guys think?
While fruit does serve a purpose post workout. It is definitely not the optimal form of sugar for post workout. Malto, Dextrose, Waxy Maize, are all far superior in replacing muscle glycogen.

in your article you have a different argument..claiming one should avoid the high GI carbs and opt for oatmeal or sweet potato plus protein power or egg whites. ive been doing the flavored oatmeal packets and whey protein although that does have high GI sugar in it so i might start going with a sweet potato and the whey.
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