Man uses 250 iu hcg and then next morning pisses on a prego test?


New member
Would it show positive if your hcg is legit? I know my hcg is real because I used 300 iu on a pregnancy test and it showed positive but later I noticed that the pregnAncy test had a 50 iu sensitivity level so I surpassed this 6x. I can test my next one at 50 iu but I was wondering if I could just piss on it? Lol hope this isn't dumb but I'd love to see if my body can take 250 iu, utilize it and then still trigger a positive on a prego test.
Thanks for the response! I filled one syringe to 300 iu so when I thaw it out I will put 50 iu on a test to see how exact my hcg is dosed.
Look again carefully, your pregnancy test has an 50 mIU/mL (50 milli iu per milliliter of urine) sensitivity... You can't test the accuracy of your HCG's dosing by testing your urine after injecting (too many variables, don't know how much will end up in your urine).

The test strip doesn't measure an amount, it measures a concentration.

The way to test the dosing would be to start with say, 100mL of urine (a convenient amount), then add 5iU of hcg to it. That would give you urine with a concentration of 50miU/mL. That should barely register on the pregnancy test. If the product is underdosed, it will probably test negative.
It could still be overdosed theoretically, so you could try lower concentrations and confirm that you get a negative result.