Mass bulk cycle


New member
Hi Guys

Starting my 3rd cycle next month and want some good advise. My 1st cycle was Test only at 12 weeks, my 2nd cycle was test only 12 weeks with first 4 weeks Dbol. Great gains but really want a lot more bulk.

Stats; 24 180lbs 6ft. 3 years solid training under my belt ( started training when I was 21 was 140lbs before training.)

So here it is;

wk 1- 12; TEST 400- 800mg per week split
wk 1- 12; DECA 300- 600mg per week split (1ml DECA 300 + 1ml TEST 400 Mon & Fri)
wk 1- 4; DBOL tabs 30 mg ED

Will be running Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for PCT & whilst on to keep crown jewels in check!
Also for PCT have tamoxifen, milk thistle, muliti- vitamins, creatine and protein

Diet consists of 4 meals a day including grilled chicken/fish/steak/ rice/ pasta/ potatoes/ fruit & veg. Also snacks in between meals include nuts/ tuna/ cottage cheese/ bananas/ milk and plenty of water.

I will be training intensely for 90- 120 mins ED with a rest day sunday.
Also 45 mins cardio EOD.

Let me know your opinions lads. Your advice is very appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Ok so your telling me your 180 pounds 6,3 after 2 cycles. Dont want to be an ass or anything but if you havent put on weight with 2 cycles, what makes you think you will put some on this one. Your diet must be in check if you wanna grow. With your height you should be well over 200 natural. Just my two cents. Eat more and good foods too. No amount of gear will make you grow like a good diet. Combine the two and you have better chance at success.

You started at 6', 140? You must have been a beanpole! Anyway.. Congrats on your progress.... Your goals will take time.... Years IMHO! Be Patient and Persistant! I'm a hard gainer too, but I agree with my compatriots... During this next cycle, and even starting now you gotta EAT! You're doing well, try to add at least one more 800 cal real food meal a day. Don't worry about carbs. (You probably don't have a body fat issue anyway) I always save the best for last. I eat something I really love for the last meal of the day. It makes force feeding a little more pleasant. Also, try to get in at least 2000 cals for breakfast. It's easier for me to eat in the morning after a good night's sleep.
Also... Don't overtrain this time around. A 3 or 4 day split, with serious rest days will aid your growth. A 60 minute per day hard ass workout should suffice. And cut out the cardio for now... You're probably burning too many calories.
Keep up the good work and GROW!
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Cirrus i was 140lbs when i started my 1st cycle, 160lbs when i started my 2nd and now im 180lbs and going to begin my third cycle, therefore i have put on 20lbs each cycle and maintained my gains. Problem is my height and fast metbolism. Also i have low bf%. My cycles have also been a year apart.
How much did you gain and maintain on your first cycle??? Its a marathon, not a sprint mate.

Vader69- thanks for your completely useless and pointless input. Its meat heads like you that force novice steroid users to stop asking for advice and end up fucking themselves up! So in future if you have no advice to give then dont say nothing!!

Hrnyfckr- thanks for your advise mate. I try to eat more everyday.
Those are good gains ABS2000 20 pounds a cycle and keeping them. I would be pround of that.
i agree with everyone else you could have easily been lean and 200+ at your height natural, i started when i was about 180 too but I'm 5'7''
good gain yes did you need steroid to get there absolutely not. Sorry Bro with your height 200 lbs natural is not a problem. Your lucky you have the advantage to get to 200 without gear hard work yes but all natural. Me on the other hand im almost 200 with one cycle behind the belt but ya well im only 5,6. A midget i know but i put on almost 30 pounds on my cycle. 32 to be precise. You need to get your diet in check bud. I'm not even near an expert but thats why i have 3j in mky corner for that part. ;)

Thats my take on it you should hit the gym hard and the kitchen even harder. Get to 200 and then bulk cycle after that you will be a beast my friend.

Yeah but if you have a couple years of training under your belt, where is the problem with cycling? I see if he was to have just joined the gym and started right off on steroids. Did you do that??