Mass-Cycle - NXCare


need to graduate college
i got a box of this today, made up of Anavol, T3, Aminovol. <Not the same t3>
Anyways ill be lettin u guys know how it goes, supposed to be on each one for 5 days, i decided to take everything for 15 days and lay out the dosages.

lemme know of any prior experience.

just finished it, shit was alright, weak, but i definatly saw a little bit of a budge in the rock hard plateau i've been in.
took NX-Care T3 for a few weeks. Helped a little while lifting. Could notice the difference. Nothing huge though.
yeah pretty much waste of money, i went out and spent my money on Halodrol-50 and it's my fifth day, not much differences just yet.
Their methyl-ripped is probably their best product, only because it gives energy without the jitters. I'm currently taking the aminovol, cant really tell what it's doing, i just started. As for their other shit.... it's shit!