massive and sudden change in body com**********..????


New member
Im talking like absolutely retarded change in body com**********
so i had a dexa scan done this morning and the results were bullshit.
according to the scan in the last 5 weeks i have gained over 12lbs of fat, and LOST 19.5 pounds of muscle....
WHAT THE FUCK? Now i dont exactly believe this....
but its a dexa scan, isnt this supposed to be the most accurate testing there is?
and I am comparing todays dexa scan, with another dexa scan from 5 weeks ago. so its not like i have switched testing methods...
That's not a change you'd fail to notice in the mirror. Sounds like operator error to me, something entered wrong, etc.
my fear is that this dexa opperator is the right one, and the other operator was the one messing up :/
Well it is what it is and the mirror doesn't lie. Either way if there was an error the main utility of the test (tracking change over time) is lost.
ive paid for 4 of the fuckin things now, and i feel like it was a total waste of time and money.
Not a waste of money if it's THAT accurate. You gained some knowledge of where you're at right now. Maybe go back and get another one cuz you think it was done wrong? Maybe they'll do it for free
Reason i ask when your "off" very easy to gain fat and water nasty estro same goes for when your not lean test eill make you a mess ive bern through it still battle with it pic on left too much test too much estro View attachment 560926
not on anything, sounds like your saying im being a bitch haha.

Believe me bro i would never fuck with anyone unless they did it too me first i was trying to figure out your problem because ive gone through the same thing
I seriously hope its not hormonal... i dont want to beleive that this is acurate. that would be a 5% increse in body fat %. over 5 weeks of cutting. be pretty fucking horrible.
Hormones are some powerful shit ... Like 49er said,, based on experience,, hormone "bounce back" can be a bitch..

Fuck, I'm glad I'm on year round