Mast Prop Advice


New member
Ok so looking to start my next cycle in 8 weeks so collecting as much information on mast prop as i can as i have never used it before

Just finished post cycle therapy (pct) for a basic

Test enth 600mg
Tri Tren 300mg Per week

next cycle im looking to do

Test prop EOD 150 and Tren Ace EOD 75

Been reading up on mast but still need a bit of help on how to fit it into the cycle

Any help recommended

Please no you should know about this etc bla bla before doing it. As thats why im collecting information well in advance so by time it comes i do.


Any other advice welcome on adding or taking away
Youre a bit young to be cycling, but if you're bent on doing another cycle Mast Prop 150mg EOD would work just fine in that proposed cycle. Make sure you maintain solid diet.

AI and post cycle therapy (pct) is in check? hCG on cycle?
Yeah Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and post cycle therapy (pct) in check, Didnt run HCG on last cycle just did high dose first two weeks of post cycle therapy (pct) but didnt drop in sex drive etc during cycle
Need to have low body fat to see any real results from mast. Most run mast last 6 weeks of cycle to harden up.
Nah no.neccassarly.. I had mast in my tren cycle with test n it helped cut n.maintain libido.. I would do prop 200mg eod.. Tren 60mg eod.. And mast 70eod.. For.the mast has synergy with the test prop.. Therfore increased its beneficial factors.. Just run prami and adex along with it.. Ur gold.. Run the tren ace for 9wks.. Run the test prop for atleast 12weeks.. And the mast for the last 6 wks of ur cycle.. Then donur pct.. Keep carb cycling thruout ur cycle.. N eat lean ull look like a greek sculpture if done right with cardio..

Whats ur bf% at now?