Masteron Only Cycle? Advice/Suggestions?


New member
Hey guys. I have Masteron on hand, as well as Clomid, Nolvadex, and Arimidex. I have test prop, too, but I'm not a fan of testosterone, even prop, due to the bloat. I've experienced bloat from test prop even at low dosages and with a clean diet. My body, I assume, is just incredibly sensitive. That said, the strength/mass gains I get from even a little bit of test are incredible and much higher than the norm, but I am interested in using Masteron alone, as it will work to harden me up for the summer and won't result in any form of bloat.

Has anyone had any experience with this? Would I be completely shut down if I ran it for 7-8 weeks @ 150 EOD? Would arimidex be totally unnecessary (I assume so)?

I am at a low body fat, 6'1, 228 lbs. I do cardio every day for 40 minutes and my daily resistance training is at a very, very high intensity for well over an hour. I also eat very clean, except for one or two meals a week. So, I think masterone alone could yield some pretty awesome results.

Sh*t on me, criticize me, advise as you please. I am all ears. Thanks for your time.
can't you control the bloat of test? if your body really is that sensitive, I would go Adex .5mg every day and take Proviron with your cycle as small boost to the AI
Did you run the proper AI dose when you used test? That should control bloat. You arent gonna find many on here that will advocate a mast only cycle. Test is always used .
As testosterone goes up, estradiol goes up. As estradiol goes up, so does water retention and other not-so-nice side effects.

This is just how the male human body works. Luckily for you, we have aromatase inhibitors that prevents much of this conversion from happening.

OK, so now that you no longer have a reason for a half-assed cycle, I would strongly recommend you read that link tbonexl posted for you as it contains a great deal of invaluable information that will help you get the most out of cycling. :)

Please feel free to post any questions you feel were not answered by the link he posted, or new ones that you develop while reading.

Welcome to ology.

My .02c :)
All of the above advice is bang on....

Learn how to control E2 whilst on Test first and foremost, once you have this under control you can get experimental with other compounds.
Sorry to be brutal but bunk to most of what you said as to you and testosterone. Bloat as you were told can be controlled w/ an AI correctly dosed.

You need to do more research if you are not even aware of whether you would be shut down or not.

So in short I second what everyone just told you and felt like shitting on you since you asked for it. Welcome to "ology" :wavey: