Masteron prop for libido? How long until you feel it


I messed my libido up with finasteride and looking to reverse it quickly. Imagine not being able to get hard on 200mg viagra and 20mg cialis AND 500MG TEST! I can still get hard but nothing turns me on. I have to manually get my dick hard. I'm like a woman who needs a really long foreplay. 4 months of fina fucked me up...

How long does masteron take to kick in libido wise? I'm on day two. Dosed 250mg on the first day and 100mg ED after that.
Before i give you any advice Im going to need way more info
Whats your age?
Whats your cock length/girth?
Is you partner attractive?
Do you get a hard on in the morning?

Just kidding mate

TBH you need to get off altogether and clean out your system, you sound totally fucked to me.
25 years old... I know I'm fucked and I'm doing my best to fix this. I already dropped the finasteride.

Gonna get bloods tomorrow for my estrogen and prolactin. Recently dropped adex from 1mg ED to EOD. Sounds like a high adex dose but I needed it and had bloods to confirm.
25 years old... I know I'm fucked and I'm doing my best to fix this. I already dropped the finasteride.

Gonna get bloods tomorrow for my estrogen and prolactin. Recently dropped adex from 1mg ED to EOD. Sounds like a high adex dose but I needed it and had bloods to confirm.

Whoa, you needed 1mg ED of adex??! Definitely look forward to seeing some new bloods as I'm betting you obliterated your estradiol. I aromatize like a sum'ofabitch and can't imagine taking 1mg ED even at doses 2-3x that of test.

Edit: The time before you notice an increase in libido depends on which ester that drostanolone is attached to. As most of the masteron is drostanolone propionate, you can expect to see a difference in about two weeks or so.
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25 years old... I know I'm fucked and I'm doing my best to fix this. I already dropped the finasteride.

Gonna get bloods tomorrow for my estrogen and prolactin. Recently dropped adex from 1mg ED to EOD. Sounds like a high adex dose but I needed it and had bloods to confirm.

Wow, 25 and in this mess??
I wish you good luck mate.
You need to drop everything and give your body at least a year to try and get back on track.
Whoa, you needed 1mg ED of adex??! Definitely look forward to seeing some new bloods as I'm betting you obliterated your estradiol. I aromatize like a sum'ofabitch and can't imagine taking 1mg ED even at doses 2-3x that of test.

Edit: The time before you notice an increase in libido depends on which ester that drostanolone is attached to. As most of the masteron is drostanolone propionate, you can expect to see a difference in about two weeks or so.

Mine is prop. In a week even on prop.. I'll post my bloods tomorrow. I too suspect adex, but it did work for me before...

I wonder if EQ could be affecting my libido.
Mine is prop. In a week even on prop.. I'll post my bloods tomorrow. I too suspect adex, but it did work for me before...

I wonder if EQ could be affecting my libido.

Yeah, especially if your "barometer" (morning wood, or lack of it) is telling you something is off. EQ from what I gather doesn't really do much in that department; again, this is based off of zero personal experience - just second hand experiences. Deca/Tren can most certainly do that if your prolactin gets up too high, but that's normally more of a "horny, but can only try to push rope into the old lady" type situation.

E2 being too high/too low is more of a, "I think I want to get it on, but Mr. Happy isn't so happy and I'm not super into this right now." type deal in my experience. Then again, I've yet to see anything that cialis hasn't been able to fix aside from REALLY crazy values of estradiol/prolactin.

I'll keep my eyes peeled for those results! :)
This is why i warn people about finasteride and accutane but they don't listen. If you nuke your e2 youre going to have libido problems. Finasteride syndrome is mysterious and ppl dont knoe exactly how it happens yet.(obviously through 5 alpha reductase) i would get blood work and get my e2 to the normal range. When did you start having issues and when did you start shooting test and taking the ai?
I wouldn't go adding ANOTHER compound to try and increase the sex drive. As suggested, time to clean out, brother.
Got my test results back.

Estradiol 51.9 mpol/l (<149.0)
Prolactin 172 mIU/l (53-360)

I think you are right. I killed my estrogen!

1mg adex ED until this point
Dec 13 - 1mg adex
Dec 14 - no adex
Dec 15 - 1mg adex
Dec 16 - no adex. BLOOD TEST
Dec 17 - (today) 1mg adex??

I must have been at much lower e2 when I was on ED adex. Looking at that it would be safe to say that even EOD is too much? Or I have simply not been on EOD dosing long enough to see accurate results.

I wonder if I can still stay dry on less frequent dosing.

The thing is a year ago 1mg adex kept me at 140 or so E2 while I was on pharma sustanon same dose (500mg). Either the test e is weaker or sustanon makes you aromatize more. Maybe my body has simply adjusted somehow.
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Okay, gonna make me do math so it makes sense to my silly US-trained brain: 51.9 pmol/L * 272.38 pg/mol = 14136.522 pg/L divide by 1000 to convert to pg/mL = 14.136522 pg/mL. Yeah, you definitely are hovering at the very low end of estradiol as we tend to like to be between 20-35pg/mL.

As you probably had some rebound (adex allows that), I'd bet your numbers were even LOWER than that a week or two ago! Have you tried .5mg EOD? The body does have the ability to adjust somewhat, but I can't see there being that big of a difference between sustanon and enanthate as they're still both testosterone when you get down to brass tacks.

I'd definitely try that lower dose but at a nice steady EOD dosing and see how things go in a month or so. I have a feeling that you'll find you feel much better once you allow your E2 to creep back up there a smidge. ;)

My .02c :)
Blitzkrieg did the masteron work? I have major side effects from Saw Palmetto (same MOA as Finasteride) for 10 years and was thinking of trying masteron.