math to determine mg/ml strength in powder conversions


New member
so lets say you want to convert 20 g's of test @ 300 mg/ml
20 g's = 20,000 mg's. 20,000 -:- 300 = 66.67(total volume)
now let's determine BA @ 5%. ( total volume x % ) wich would be(66.67x.05=3.3ml's =5% BA)
1 gram of a hormone is roughly 085 ml's in liquid form
so 20g's x .85 = 17 ml's of hormone
now subtract 17 ml's of homone & 3.3 ml's of BA & you have 46.37 ml's of oil.
so to convert 20g's of test @ 300mg/ml w/5% BA you would use the 20g's, 3.3 ml's BA & 46.3 ml's oil

to put it in a formula:
total volume (TV)
mg/ml(strength) (S)
total hormone (TH)
TV x S = TH (total volume x strength = total amount of hormone needed)
TH -:- S = TV this is the formula i just used (homone-:-strength=total volume
BA= TV x % eg 66.67 ml's x .05 (5%) = 3.3 ml's BA to be used
you would use the TV xS=TH if you wanted for example 80ml's to come out to 300 mg/ml = TV 80ml's x 300mg/ml = 24000mg's = 24grams of hormone you would need.
i thought it was just me that thought it looked complicated. All that math. Damn! Its much easier t o have everything in front of you and figure it out like that, not on paper.