Meal Replacements VS Food


New member
I'm pretty busy, I work around 45 - 50hrs a week, hit the gym after work and then go to school at night and sleep 8 hours a day so eating and cooking throughout the day is difficult.

These days I have been taking on average 3 meal replacement shakes to replace 3 of my 6 or 7 meals. Is this as effective as eating regular food?

My meal replacements I use Cytogainer (excellent post workout shake btw) which contains a large amount of complex carbs 75g per serving and 54g of Protein. On top of that contains a nice amount of amino acids and vitamins.

Any ideas if this is as good as eating food with these values?
Not as good but better than nothing. Try to through some fiber in there sometime. Milled flax seed is good.

I am not a fan of the high carb MRP's personally.