Meals you can freeze for later?

SemperFi 0321

New member
Anyone have any good ideas on meals that you can prepare say a week ahead of time and freeze for reheating? My schedule is very tight and it's a little difficult to continuously prepare meals on schedule. Just wondering if any of you do this. And how long before hand can you prepare and freeze these meals?

Frosty, any input from you?

Semper Fi
I spen 1 hour on my George Foremen and cook ( Turkey Burgers, Chicken Breast, and hamburger Patties ) ( 6 ) of each. ( two times a week )

While the meats are cooking I make a big pot of Brown Rice.

I also make a big bowl of salad to keep in the fridge.

I also eat a lot of canned mixed veggies( no salt added ) If you had to these aren't really that bad to eat cold. I take a hand can opener around with me and look for a microwave to use??

Buy some tup-a-ware food containers and you can make up 2 or 3 meals pretty quick to to with you during the day.

Cooking like this I don't really have to freeze anything and that saves time.
home made chili thats for sure. mine is pretty much mostly meat, kidney beans, veggies. split up the pot into how ever many meals you want from it. freeze it off, throw it in the lunch pail nightly for the next day. i dont touch canned veggies at all. all fresh.

ohh cook all your meats on one day. alocate the amount of protein you want daily. freeze it off. you might want to buy one of em vacuume food saver things. for veggies, you dont freeze raw. i personally hate prozen veggies, they taste really bad. canned is no better. but i can get down on string beans though. the veggies will be your preference. hope this helps

Budrau- do you just leave the rest of the burgers in the fridge? Do they taste alright, for what it matters, after a few days? I think I'll try that this week. Its just getting so hard to cook that many times a day. I like the chili idea too chichy, sounds good to me! Thanks for all the help.

Semper Fi