measurements on the syringe


New member
I'm having a complete brain fart, and its been a while (10yrs) since My last cycle. The cycle I'm starting today calls for 50mg of Test Prop every other day. Please help me figure out how much I'm drawing into the syringe. I know I'm a Moron, my brain is just not working this morning.
The bigger question is: What the heck kind of cycle only calls for 175mg a week of test ? :)

You need to get that dose and multiply it by 2.5 to get anything here. I think you should only run that low on test for trt or if you love low dose test high dose tren.
What dosage is better for bulking? My last Steroid guy died. So I got this cycle on-line. I can't find my notes of My dosage from My last Bulk cycle. I'm not sure on anything.
What dosage is better for bulking? My last Steroid guy died. So I got this cycle on-line. I can't find my notes of My dosage from My last Bulk cycle. I'm not sure on anything.

Dude you need to run at least 500mg of test a week for a good bulk. Winny is not a good bulking drug, but it can be used as diet will dictate how your body changes when using any AAS. How much winny are you taking and for how many weeks? I recommend that your run this bulk for at least 12 weeks bud. You should have just gotten test e, and maybe some deca if you wanted another compound for a bulk.
What's .5 ml?

if you dont know that then I think you need to take some time and take a step back for a while and keep researching..
and thats too low, your just going on hrt essentially just replacing what your shutting down. atleast winny is there, but winny is kinda crappy IMP, i would rec tbol or var. but still regardless im sur everyone will tell you that is too low of a test dose... and why not just use teste and pin 1-2 times a week, use an AI and its just soo much easier and safer ( every pin is still a risk IMO, + scartissue)
What dosage is better for bulking? My last Steroid guy died. So I got this cycle on-line. I can't find my notes of My dosage from My last Bulk cycle. I'm not sure on anything.

read the stickies (the threads stuck up top) the steroid section. there is alot of info you should find helpful.

good luck
Thank You. I'm going to up the test prop. How much should I raise it? I just found a someone, not on line, to get more. I'm still not sure of the measurement on the barrel. What equdls what I need?
I used to know. I've forgotten so much. Too many concussions. I don't have internet where I'm staying. All I have is My phone to use to get on-line. I had Notes on everything essential. I can't find them. My Memory is crap. I have a TBI, and I continue to fight.
Going to make this easy for you:

1. Take note of the concentration of your gear to be injected. In your case, it's 100mg/mL. That means for every full milliliter, you get 100mg of testosterone propionate.

2. Consider the amount to be injected per week. I'd go at a minimum of 500mg/wk. Doing the math from above already tells us that you're going to be pinning 5ml/wk (in this example)

3. Take note of the ester. Long esters (cyp/E) can be done E7D/E3.5D or even M-W-F if high volumes are used. Short esters are EOD or ED (prop/ace). Looking at our example, it's probably best to go ED. 5ml/7 days = 0.71ml per day.

4. Apply this to your pins and enjoy by knowing that most syringes are marked in tenths - so you'd draw two lines above the 0.5 (might just be a 5 or even a 50, or 1/2) and inject that.

Now, please go read the stickies so you don't hurt yourself. :)

My .02c :)
The bigger question is: What the heck kind of cycle only calls for 175mg a week of test ? :)

One that has some Tren or Deca alongside it ;)

BTW, if nobody knows you can also get 1ml barrels, they are a godsend for me when I'm measuring out .5ml Test and Deca at a time to cruise with and because of the length of the barrel they are easy to push the oil in unlike those 3CC fuckers. Also lets me dose out perfectly Tren Ace because I get 100mg/ml stuff. Can't draw out 30mg on a 3CC barrel lol.