Melanotan one and scarring


New member
her all, im about to start using melanotan one ! i have used melanotan TWO before but because i was constantly toey ive swapped to melanotan ONE. anyway ive had a break from either peptide for about 6 months now in that 6 months ive done a cousre of accutane to clear my acne. HOWEVER i still have some mild acne scars on my face im very paranoid that melanotan will bring all my scarring thru as i have read it has done this .
Did you mean to say the melanotan II was making you tired? What doses were you taking and how often?

I don't have an answer to your question. I've heard of it making freckles/moles darker or stand out more. But I do see your concern and it is possible that since it darkens your skin the scars may be highlighted so to say but how do they look wen you go tanning w/o the melanotan? I would assume it would be similar but can't say for sure.
melanotan makes everything darking hair,facial hair,skin obviously . The scars r pretty gorn and healed im jsut concerned theyll reappear coz the MT1 starts from the bottom of ur skin up through all the layers. just have to wait n c i guess. does any1 no a good dose for MELANOTAN ONE . considering ive used MT2 before and still have a slight base tan from melanotan TWO. skin type 2 first time i used MT2 IT WAS a distaster coz i loaded to much i went tandori colouri was BLACK. all i want is a light olive tan dont want a deep tan .
her all, im about to start using melanotan one ! i have used melanotan TWO before but because i was constantly toey ive swapped to melanotan ONE. anyway ive had a break from either peptide for about 6 months now in that 6 months ive done a cousre of accutane to clear my acne. HOWEVER i still have some mild acne scars on my face im very paranoid that melanotan will bring all my scarring thru as i have read it has done this .

My skin type III rat has been on MT II for 7 days now. He had long lasting stiffies for the first 4 days starting at 250 mcg initial then 500 and later 1mg. Stretching never felt so good and didn't get too annoying. Small freckle grew and became darker but actually looked relatively attractive. No visible scars emerged. It's a hard call to make. I would say keep reading. Check out Melanotan dot org and read lots more logs about scarring etc...
Melanotan one wont yield much as far as results, you are likely safe. MT-II is off limits - as you are aware. Good luck!
i disagree, ive had .25 injections of MT1 the past 7 days im already gettin darker/red facial flushes. but i still had mt2 in my system was only off for a few months so its wierd !