Men’s Body Fat Percentages


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Thought you all would like this!

1. Full House = No visible muscle definition. Bodyfat level = over 20%.

2. Hard = Some muscle separation appears between delts and upper arm. Abs are still not visible. Approx. bodyfat level = 15-19%

3. Cut = More muscle separation appears particularly in the chest and
back, outline of the abs begins to appear slightly. Approx. bodyfat
level = 12-14%

4. Defined = Muscle separations get deeper in the arms, chest, legs and
back, and abs appear when flexed. Approx. bodyfat level = 10-12%

5. Ripped = Abs are clearly visible all the time, vascularity in arms is
prominent, chest and back separation is obvious, and face is starting
to appear more angular. Condition can be held indefinitely. Approximate
bodyfat level = 7-9%

6. Shredded = Striations appear in large muscle groups when they are
flexed. Vascularity appears in lower abdomen and in the legs. Condition
can be held for several days with careful dieting. Approximate bodyfat
level = 5-7%

7. Sliced = Muscles and tendons begin to appear in the face when
chewing, striations appear everywhere and vascularity appears
everywhere. Bodyfat levels are close to 3% and subcutaneous water levels
are near 0. Condition can only be held for a few hours at a time. Not a
healthy condition to stay in due to lower water level.
According to that chart I am defined but my body fat is over 12 I hold all my fat in my belly every where else I am lean as hell ,
Ya it sucks its hard sucking in my stomach all the time, ,haha. People just don't get why I want to start cutting next spring, they are like dude your lean as hell, , not when I let it hang out and I look 4 months pregnanat
lol, I hear ya bro..I mean I have some drinks here and there but that shouldnt have anything to do with it...been working on abs forever and doing cardio, I dont want to do to much cardio right now though..oh well I will figure something out..Your from Chicago Kaiser?
South suburbs ..I think its alot to do with age for me being 37 ;; I used to drink alot so maybe its the remains of beer belly, ,have to see when I cut
get a DEXA scan that tells u ur legitimat bodyfat percentage. Everything else is fraud. There aren't many people walking around at below 10% unless they carry an incredible amount of lean mass with low fat. My mate and I looked about 10% according to what forum gurus and online bodybuilding gurus would consider lean but on the DEXA scan we were 13.5-14% because we simply didn't carry enough mass even though our overall fat content was low. So if your actually concerned with how much bodyfat you have. Be concerned with your overall kilos/pounds of fat mass rather than a percentage.
get a DEXA scan that tells u ur legitimat bodyfat percentage. Everything else is fraud. There aren't many people walking around at below 10% unless they carry an incredible amount of lean mass with low fat. My mate and I looked about 10% according to what forum gurus and online bodybuilding gurus would consider lean but on the DEXA scan we were 13.5-14% because we simply didn't carry enough mass even though our overall fat content was low. So if your actually concerned with how much bodyfat you have. Be concerned with your overall kilos/pounds of fat mass rather than a percentage.

You might find this interesting then:

"DXA scans are used primarily to evaluate bone mineral density. DXA scans can also be used to measure total body composition and fat content with a high degree of accuracy comparable to hydrostatic weighing with a few important caveats.[1][nb 1] However, it has been suggested that, while very accurately measuring minerals and lean soft tissue (LST), DXA may provide skewed results as a result of its method of indirectly calculating fat mass by subtracting it from the LST and/or body cell mass (BCM) that DXA actually measures.[2][nb 2]"
Well that chart makes me feel better. At 38 yrs old i have to remember to suck it in too. Its strange to have a "4" pack upper abs with a beer belly.... But at 192 lbs at 5'6 its not easy to bulk and be lean. I'm not gonna sweat the extra weight til around Feb. of next year. Til then- I keep bulking.:yumyum:
According to that chart I am defined but my body fat is over 12 I hold all my fat in my belly every where else I am lean as hell ,

This is the thing. Everyone holds body fat in different spots. I hold a lot in the chest. Even at 12%, when I should look relatively ripped, chest is still shit. Doesn't matter how low my E2 levels are either.
a perfect man always express as a full confidence as he has a perfect body and their image in society as brave and strong man it will then possible if our body contain a exact level of fatness.
well im like one of the OP's i have a good amount of muscle def in my arms,shoulders,delts,traps,legs,but all of my bofy fat is in my stomach and my pecs,and for the life of me,i cannot get rid of it,any thoughts