Jacked and Tan
Looking good bro, keep at it.
Getting bloodwork tomorrow finally! Ready to see how high my t levela are and how well I'm managing the e2 this high. Also, to see how the n2guard is woeking instead of taking NAC
You use an I phone lets you edit from album?
when are you planning on taking the tren hope you update this
Thanks to ntbm for letting me log the n2guard. Blodwork came back great for the most part. I ran n2guard as the only supp and it kept my liver values well within range. I cant post the bloodwork because i cant edit out the petsonal info but if anyone has any questions on what certain results were, i will gladly answer them. Only thing out of range was the test of course ans e2 was barely out of range but thats an easy fix. Thanks again for everyone that followed.
Glad you had good results, good to know that n2guard is doing what its supposed to do