Metformine...good for fat loss


New member
A good study and a clear explanation about why add glucophage in your cutting cycles.
Metformine activate the AMPK.This enzymatic switch is activated with fisical training and send the imput to burn more fats and more carbs to the muscle fibers to produce more energy.
This is a lately discover of the professor Grahame Hardie,at Cellular Signalling next to Dundee univeristy.
Also metformin is know as a good appetite suppressor.
And lastly here you are a study.
Metformin inhibits catecholamine-stimulated lipolysis in obese, hyperinsulinemic, hypertensive subjects in subcutaneous adipose tissue: an in situ microdialysis study.

AU: Flechtner-Mors-M; Ditschuneit-HH; Jenkinson-CP; Alt-A; Adler-G
AD: Department of Internal Medicine, University of Ulm, Germany.
SO: Diabet-Med. 1999 Dec; 16(12): 1000-6

AIMS: Metformin has been reported to decrease the plasma concentrations of non-esterified fatty acids in Type 2 diabetic subjects. This study investigated the effects of metformin on basal and catecholamine-stimulated lipolysis in abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue of obese, hyperinsulinaemic, hypertensive subjects.

METHODS: Fourteen subjects with severe obesity (12 female, two male, age 35.4 +/- 4 years, body mass index 48.2 +/- 2 kg/m2, body fat mass 63.3 +/- 5 kg) were recruited.

Glycerol and lactate concentrations were determined in the presence of metformin and after administration of catecholamines using microdialysis.
Simultaneously, blood flow was assessed with the ethanol escape method.

RESULTS: Glycerol release was lowered by metformin during the 3-h experiment (P<0.01).
The lipolytic activity of catecholamines was suppressed when adipose tissue was pre-treated with metformin (P<0.001).

Lactate concentration increased after application of metformin (P<0.01) and catecholamines (P<0.001).
Blood flow was decreased in the presence of adrenaline (P < 0.01), but this effect was abolished by metformin.

CONCLUSIONS: The present data demonstrate the effects of metformin on lipolysis in subcutaneous adipose tissue in vivo.
In the large body fat mass of obese subjects, a reduction of lipolysis in adipose tissue may contribute to a decrease of VLDL synthesis in the liver resulting in a lowered plasma triglyceride concentration.
I have been on 850mg twice e/d for two weeks now. I am taking it during my bulk cycle to handle the excess carbs that may other wise make me fat. Well appetite supressent is right, I can't and do not even want to think about eating and my stomach is in a uproar. I think I will save it for a cutting cycle as lawn's post suggests. Does anyone else have any experiences with glucophage?

used it at 500 and then750 a day ..
for me it was a disapontment as noticed no real differnce other than alot more heart burn ..:(
both with carb-ups and deiting , real no difference

tyhigs said:
I read that it is implicated in mayne cerebrovascular accidents/strokes

Where's the evidence for this bro...?

I've took Glucophage numerous times and it's the only thing that melted by love handles, so I don't wanna stop using it! :(
shit bro
if its working great , stay with it by all means , who knows might have fakes but iv ordered from couple of differnt places , so who knows , glad they worked for you .. only thing worked on my bloody handles was gh ..

opps did not read who you were talking to , my bad , never heard of any evedence with strokes??? I know alot of doctor,s perscribe it for everyday to help with insulin sensitivity when you grt older though ..
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hemster I take 2 grams+ of metformin a day...

The first few weeks are hard on the guts but it all settles down eventually and it really makes a difference for me.
The study actually says that metformin prevents lipolysis normally induced by catecholamines......that's not a good thing. Although not posted in the study, metformin does increase AMPK activity, but metformin also greatly decreases hepatic gluconeogenesis.....only as a secondary function does it increase insulin sensitivity in peripheral tissues.

Rosiglitazone (Avandia), on the other hand, is a far better option for stimulating AMPK activity, which increases fatty acid oxidation
einstein1905 said:
The study actually says that metformin prevents lipolysis normally induced by catecholamines......that's not a good thing.

Rosiglitazone (Avandia), on the other hand, is a far better option for stimulating AMPK activity, which increases fatty acid oxidation

Metformin, IMO, is useful when calories and carbo are low, mainly because of its antiglucogenetic activity...

Avandia ..... most of the studies have seen people getting fatter and fatter .... though with better glicemic control .... I do not understand what is the use in bb (if not assosiated with gh or other insulin resistance inducers)

Wallace ;)