
I get the regular sized MetRx with 22g of pro sometimes and they are pretty good tasting (try PB crunch)... you're referring to the MetRx "Big 100g" ones though.

Most any bar is not 100% reliable. So, if you are counting cals and/or carbs closely, just be aware that bars might have slightly different nutrition facts than they claim and don't overdo it on them. A Consumer Reports study of many brands was done a while back and most fell at least a lil short on the pro they claim and the low carb ones were a lil (some a lot) higher than they claimed. The currently popular Detour bars were recently tested and failed pretty bad... they changed their labels to correct, and still failed again on sugar content (but were closer). Just so you are aware.

I really just use protein bars when bulking though, so I really don't care a whole lot if facts are a bit off...

Bottom line? I think bars are not real trustworthy in general but are still good for pure calories when that is my goal... JMO
I have one a day. I enjoy them as a desert. I pretty much feel that getting you primary protein from natural sources is better then a bar but if i want a treat (other then a snikers bar) I buy these.

Get them on the web, you can find them cheaper then at the stores or GNC. The new MetRX formulation is better then the old one (comes in a red wraper now).
Feli Fly said:
I get the regular sized MetRx with 22g of pro sometimes and they are pretty good tasting (try PB crunch)... you're referring to the MetRx "Big 100g" ones though.

Most any bar is not 100% reliable. So, if you are counting cals and/or carbs closely, just be aware that bars might have slightly different nutrition facts than they claim and don't overdo it on them. A Consumer Reports study of many brands was done a while back and most fell at least a lil short on the pro they claim and the low carb ones were a lil (some a lot) higher than they claimed. The currently popular Detour bars were recently tested and failed pretty bad... they changed their labels to correct, and still failed again on sugar content (but were closer). Just so you are aware.

I really just use protein bars when bulking though, so I really don't care a whole lot if facts are a bit off...

Bottom line? I think bars are not real trustworthy in general but are still good for pure calories when that is my goal... JMO

WTH! Where can I find the report on the detour bars? I hadn't heard this.
I dont like most of the bars out there. Empty cals better off just bringing a small container of protein with ya