Micronized Winny in water (painful ?)



So many people post that Winstrol (winny) in water hurts? I've done Zambons B4 without any pain whatsoever. Is there a difference ? I'm home-brewing some Winstrol (winny) 4 the 1st time, and I'm supposed 2B supplying some of my pals with this. If I go with oil, They're not going to trust it, especially if it looks any different than the Winstrol (winny) in water that they're used to seeing. But I certainly don't want them all bustin down my door cause the pussy's can't take a little pain. What 2 do ?
primobaby said:
So many people post that Winstrol (winny) in water hurts? I've done Zambons B4 without any pain whatsoever. Is there a difference ? I'm home-brewing some Winstrol (winny) 4 the 1st time, and I'm supposed 2B supplying some of my pals with this. If I go with oil, They're not going to trust it, especially if it looks any different than the Winstrol (winny) in water that they're used to seeing. But I certainly don't want them all bustin down my door cause the pussy's can't take a little pain. What 2 do ?

bro, some shit hurts some people where others don't feel shit when they shoot. Water or Oil based. If you, or your friends can't take a little pain, then they are in the wrong game IMO. And if they can't trust you making gear for em, i wouldn't even waste my time doing it.
RJH8541 said:
bro, some shit hurts some people where others don't feel shit when they shoot. Water or Oil based. If you, or your friends can't take a little pain, then they are in the wrong game IMO. And if they can't trust you making gear for em, i wouldn't even waste my time doing it.
Thanx for your wisdom einstein ?? I was looking 4 an answer to wether home brew Winstrol (winny) in water is exactly the same structure as say Zambons. instead of sarcasism maybe a bit more of a knowledgable response as to maybe if using peg 3 or 400 and a certain % of ba thats maybe less painfull would of been more appropriate.
primobaby said:
Thanx for your wisdom einstein ?? I was looking 4 an answer to wether home brew Winstrol (winny) in water is exactly the same structure as say Zambons. instead of sarcasism maybe a bit more of a knowledgable response as to maybe if using peg 3 or 400 and a certain % of ba thats maybe less painfull would of been more appropriate.

Ok, first of all dipshit, don't come in here running your mouth about sarcasm when you should be able to tell that I was being totally serious. Some hormones hurt, oil based or water based. period. Some are just more sensitive than others

if you would read the Winstrol (winny) in water recipe in the sticky at the top of the forum like every other newb should, you would see what ingredients are in the recipe. And i'm sorry to burst your bubble, but the BA isn't what causes the pain, its due to the fact that its water-based and it will evaporate quicker than an oil based would leaving the depot to crystallize, which is what usually causes pain.

how's that for a response? Jesus!!

As for them being EXACTLY the same structure as Zambons... they are water based Winstrol (winny) right?
primobaby said:
So many people post that Winstrol (winny) in water hurts? I've done Zambons B4 without any pain whatsoever. Is there a difference ? I'm home-brewing some Winstrol (winny) 4 the 1st time, and I'm supposed 2B supplying some of my pals with this. If I go with oil, They're not going to trust it, especially if it looks any different than the Winstrol (winny) in water that they're used to seeing. But I certainly don't want them all bustin down my door cause the pussy's can't take a little pain. What 2 do ?
What answer were you looking for Doorknob?? The exact recipe for Zambons so your "friends" don't kick your ass for making their injects hurt? You get a reply from someone in the know and then flame him. I guess U R 2 Kewl 4 me. Bwahahahah! :fawk2:
I didn't do any name calling. Yes I am a newB, & I was hoping to get an intelligent reply. Obviously I came to the wrong board !
I am aware of the ingredients in Winstrol (winny) MR.DIPSHIT & DOORNOB !! HERE'STO THE BOTH OF YOU :flipoffha !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
primobaby said:
I didn't do any name calling. Yes I am a newB, & I was hoping to get an intelligent reply. Obviously I came to the wrong board !
I am aware of the ingredients in Winstrol (winny) MR.DIPSHIT & DOORNOB !! HERE'STO THE BOTH OF YOU :flipoffha !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

primo this is your one warning. clean it up or your outta here. rj was trying to help you.
RJH8541 said:
bro, some shit hurts some people where others don't feel shit when they shoot. Water or Oil based. If you, or your friends can't take a little pain, then they are in the wrong game IMO. And if they can't trust you making gear for em, i wouldn't even waste my time doing it.

primo this is your one warning. clean it up or your outta here. rj was trying to help you.

I didn't read anything helpfull from RJH541. I may be a rookie to this board, but I'm no rookie to the steroid game. All I read from RJH8541 1st reply was alot of ROID RAGE & SARCASM ! and his 2nd reply, some more ROID RAGE !
I think he should eas up on the juice ! My rebudle was just that I was looking 4 a little more of an intellegent answer,& then he went off on the name calling. I think maybe RJ should be warned about his sarcastic tone, cause if he replies like that to all rookies, it's going to steer alot of people away to another board !!!
primobaby said:
I didn't read anything helpfull from RJH541. I may be a rookie to this board, but I'm no rookie to the steroid game. All I read from RJH8541 1st reply was alot of ROID RAGE & SARCASM ! and his 2nd reply, some more ROID RAGE !
I think he should eas up on the juice ! My rebudle was just that I was looking 4 a little more of an intellegent answer,& then he went off on the name calling. I think maybe RJ should be warned about his sarcastic tone, cause if he replies like that to all rookies, it's going to steer alot of people away to another board !!!

well other boards is where youll be. bye.