Mid-cycle Adjustment, Need advice


New member
First post lol...Okay so here's my story....
-Got off of a 12 week Test 400 only cycle at 500mg a week in february... took a 6 week break, i started this cycle at 5'10 168lbs and finished at 5'10 193lbs...
-March 23rd. 6 weeks after, began a Test E 400mg/wk, Deca-Durabolin 400mg/wk for 12 wks deca and 14 wks test. using Arimidex the entire cycle at .5mg eod
started at 5'10 185lbs....
-April 18th. 4 wks in began experiencing extreme emotion, depression, lost weight, got injured at football practice, obsession with a girl i didn't care for originally, and just was being an overall b*tch. i weighed in at 183lbs, 2lbs down from my start of cycle. i got pissed and upped the test to 600mg/wk
-May 3rd. week 6 Dropped the arimidex, figured my estradiol. estrogen levels are too low... went to the doctor for bloodwork... 174lbs WTFFFFFF. lost 12 lbs after 6 weeks on cycle with 8 meals a day for my diet meal prepping and everything....
-May 7th. Finally feeling better emotionally after dropping arimidex for about 4 days, but i went out with a girl, tried to have sex... couldn't get up. i freaked the F out and went back into depression. figured it must be deca dick... it's may 10th and i sold the rest of my deca. i just started Caber on friday the 8th. .5mg ed for the first 3 days and then .5mg eod for a few weeks and i will taper off the rest of the cycle... already getting my night time and morning wood back. gunna try again with this girl in a week or so hopefully i can get up lol.
-now i need advice. i'm at week 6. Just running test at 600mg/wk and i'm back at like 180lbs. need to gain weight for football... anyone recommend running Anadrol for the next like 3-5weeks to gain some weight back? And does this sound like deca dick to anyone because i'm really optimistic that i can still get hard throughout the day it means that i don't have a bad case of deca dick and it will be cured fast with the Caber. thanks guys just need to gain my weight back so what should i do from this point forward??? waiting on bloodwork. so don't ask me to do some damn bloodwork.
Do you have blood work results that you can post?

Do you run PCT after cycles or do you blast and cruise or just end cycles with no PCT?

Why do you start cycles so quickly after ending previous cycles? Do you follow the Time On + PCT = Time Off rule?

How old are you?

What is your body fat %?
sorry for leaving out so much info.
-waiting on blood work this week.

-always run pct with HCG and nolva... this time i tried arimidex while on cycle...

-i normally take the amount of time on cycle + PCT off cycle but i rushed into this one for football season.

-i'm 19 years old (i know i shouldn't be doing them) and i'm at 9% body fat.
I am sorry, but I don't feel comfortable advising someone so young on how to use AAS. Your endocrine system ia still developing. You should not be using AAS until you are 25 years old.

I will say that you should not use hCG during PCT though. HCG should be used during a cycle to help minimize testicular atrophy. But not during PCT as it is suppressive to the HPTA
WTF is with all these young kids going on cycle. Dude just wait its not worth it to fuck you body up for the rest of your life.
Seriously I feel for you OP but just reading the original post has my stomach in knots. You changed so much so quickly with no bloodwork to confirm things. The prevoverbial "tail waging the dog". One change at a time wait, verify. Patience is needed in this game and that will also come with age.

Take Mega s advice wait till your 25 and in the meantime spend sometime here educating yourself:

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once again i know i fucked up... it's hard to compete with these 6'4 220 animals lined up across from me when my plateau weight is 180lbs naturally...... update to now. i've dropped arimidex, for about a week and a half now and am taking caber, i don't have deca dick anymore cuz i can get up easily now. but i just need my size back for football season. i changed my diet to a carb loading diet but I'm being advised to take Dbol or anadrol for at least 3 weeks to put it back on fast... Everything is getting better the past few days as far as mood and emotions. I obviously regret everything but i'm just investing in my body to make its somewhere.
Seriously I feel for you OP but just reading the original post has my stomach in knots. You changed so much so quickly with no bloodwork to confirm things. The prevoverbial "tail waging the dog". One change at a time wait, verify. Patience is needed in this game and that will also come with age.

i appreciate that man. Don't feel too bad though it was one week of complete hell and panic but i'm glad i dropped the deca and arimidex because i'm feeling like my good old self finally. And as for the whole sex thing, I'm beginning to think it was just the girl that turned me off cuz she was crying about her ex and all once we started that kinda killed the vibe... so i probably just overreacted. hoping this cycle finishes off smoothly.
UPDATE: okay need advice asap... Bloodwork results back, don't have all numbers all i know is this -

- Testosterone: 5465mg.
-Estradiol "extremely high"
-Progestin: "significantly higher than normal"

-I originally thought my side effects were from low E2 levels. such as Erectile Dysfunction and depression/weight loss while on cycle. Once again i have dropped deca and arimidex from my cycle 2 weeks ago.

-Currently on Test E 600mg/wk and i'm on week 8 out of 14.
-Currently taking Caber(dostinex) .25mg eod, and Cialis (Libido still low so no results really)
-Proviron next step? idk i'm stuck.