Mid-Cycle LabCorp Bloods Results- Help me to understand discrepancies?


New member
So I am currently on week 6 of a Prop only cycle 700mg a week. Also taking 25mg exemestane EOD and 500ui HCG E4D. First cycle in a year and a half of off time. Libido was great at the start but began to tank after week 4 which confused me. So I dropped the air (assuming low E) and ordered bloods. I am confused by my results, and having searched I cannot find a straight answer. E is high now so will restart at 12.5mg EOD and may order another test in a week to see how its looking.

Also I need my libido back guys! I ran Prop only as I remember how insanely horny it used to make me. Now I feel worse than off cycle. I've picked up DAA, maca, trib, goji berry and yohimbe to see if that helps. I took the lot last night and I was up most the night with nausea and stomach cramps... May have to phase them in one at a time to find the culprit.

Any help is appreciated:

[table="width: 800"]

[tr][td]Comp. Metabolic Panel (14)[/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]eGFR If NonAfricn Am[/td][td]123[/td][td][/td][td]mL/min/1.73[/td][td]>59[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]eGFR If Africn Am[/td][td]143[/td][td][/td][td]mL/min/1.73[/td][td]>59[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]According to ATP-III Guidelines, HDL-C >59 mg/dL is considered a[/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]negative risk factor for CHD.[/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][/tr]


Will be reintroducing exemestane at 12.5 EOD as mentioned to control E.

My concerns are:
Prolactin: Does a low value here affect libido in a similar way to low E? From what I understand, we can suppress the shit out of prolactin with no negative effects.

BUN - this is very low which is apparently uncommon and could be due to several reasons like malnutrition?? Are there other indicators here which are specific to someone being on cycle that effects BUN?

Cholesterol - My LDL is through the roof but HDL is low?? I can't find this combination anywhere. What does it mean and how can I control it?

Will be reintroducing exemestane at 12.5 EOD as mentioned to control E.

My concerns are:
Prolactin: Does a low value here affect libido in a similar way to low E? From what I understand, we can suppress the shit out of prolactin with no negative effects.

BUN - this is very low which is apparently uncommon and could be due to several reasons like malnutrition?? Are there other indicators here which are specific to someone being on cycle that effects BUN?

Cholesterol - My LDL is through the roof but HDL is low?? I can't find this combination anywhere. What does it mean and how can I control it?

For your estrogen take exemestane ED. It's half life is around 8hrs in males so taking it EOD you're estradiol is dropping when you take it but coming right back up because of you're dosing. Try sticking with the 12.5mg ED for a while. If this is not enough bump it up some more.

Will be reintroducing exemestane at 12.5 EOD as mentioned to control E.

My concerns are:
Prolactin: Does a low value here affect libido in a similar way to low E? From what I understand, we can suppress the shit out of prolactin with no negative effects.

BUN - this is very low which is apparently uncommon and could be due to several reasons like malnutrition?? Are there other indicators here which are specific to someone being on cycle that effects BUN?

Cholesterol - My LDL is through the roof but HDL is low?? I can't find this combination anywhere. What does it mean and how can I control it?

Just adding to what Docd187 has below:

Prolactin doesn't really have an effect on libido, so it is safe to assume that isn't your problem. A low BUN reading from what I understand can also mean that you are simply drinking too much water, causing a state of hyperhydration which isn't really much to worry about. It's funny how BUN and Creatinine together kind of tells us who drank a ton of water before their test and who was dehydrated haha. Take 2g of fish oil a day, I bet that cholesterol drops down lickety split!

The only other thing I'd add is that your platelet count is up there and that your hematocrit is starting to get on the upper end. I'd donate blood in the near future as this is a free way to lower these. It also makes you feel good. ;)
@docd and halfwit - thanks for the invaluable info.

Is it safe and allowed to donate blood during a cycle? If so I will book in!

So nothing really to worry about aside from the high estrogen? Do you suggest a follow up blood check in a week to see if the exemestane is working?
My bloods after my first run using hcg showed high estro if I had the blood drawn close to a pin day.
@docd and halfwit - thanks for the invaluable info.

Is it safe and allowed to donate blood during a cycle? If so I will book in!

So nothing really to worry about aside from the high estrogen? Do you suggest a follow up blood check in a week to see if the exemestane is working?

Yes it's safe to donate blood while taking testosterone. In fact, men on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) are usually required to after awhile since the exogenous test helps your body to create more blood cells. I'd give it a couple weeks on the stane before retesting just to be sure. You'll probably know right away if you're headed in the right direction if you start waking up with wood again.

My .02c :)
"A larger reduction in LDL cholesterol levels was observed in subjects with a high to very high baseline levels of LDL, compared to those with optimal to borderline high baseline levels. Some previous (35, 36), but not other studies (8, 37, 38), have reported that the higher the baseline levels of LDL-cholesterol the more the reduction in LDL due to plant sterols consumption. The present meta-analysis has confirmed that baseline LDL cholesterol levels affect magnitude of reduction in LDL after plant sterol/stanol consumption which could explain the wide variation in responsiveness seen in previous studies. Nevertheless, plant sterols/stanols do reduce LDL levels in individuals with normal to high baseline LDL levels as well as in adults across different age groups. Therefore, everyone, excluding individuals with ***946;-sitosterolemia and heterozygote for the disease, can reduce his/her blood cholesterol levels by consuming plant sterols/stanols.

A positive dose response relationship was apparent with the greatest reduction in LDL levels obtained with intakes of 2.5 g/day of plant sterols/stanols. The meta-analysis by Katan et al. (5) showed that there is little additional effect of plant sterols/stanols at doses higher than 2.5 g/day. It should be noted that studies included in the subgroups with intakes ***8805;2.1 g/day incorporated plant sterols/stanols mainly in fat spreads, while the other subgroups included a variety of food products, which could explain why heterogeneity was absent with intakes of ***8805;2.1g/day.

Plant sterols/stanols as cholesterol lowering agents: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Another option to go with fish oil
"A larger reduction in LDL cholesterol levels was observed in subjects with a high to very high baseline levels of LDL, compared to those with optimal to borderline high baseline levels. Some previous (35, 36), but not other studies (8, 37, 38), have reported that the higher the baseline levels of LDL-cholesterol the more the reduction in LDL due to plant sterols consumption. The present meta-analysis has confirmed that baseline LDL cholesterol levels affect magnitude of reduction in LDL after plant sterol/stanol consumption which could explain the wide variation in responsiveness seen in previous studies. Nevertheless, plant sterols/stanols do reduce LDL levels in individuals with normal to high baseline LDL levels as well as in adults across different age groups. Therefore, everyone, excluding individuals with ***946;-sitosterolemia and heterozygote for the disease, can reduce his/her blood cholesterol levels by consuming plant sterols/stanols.

A positive dose response relationship was apparent with the greatest reduction in LDL levels obtained with intakes of 2.5 g/day of plant sterols/stanols. The meta-analysis by Katan et al. (5) showed that there is little additional effect of plant sterols/stanols at doses higher than 2.5 g/day. It should be noted that studies included in the subgroups with intakes ***8805;2.1 g/day incorporated plant sterols/stanols mainly in fat spreads, while the other subgroups included a variety of food products, which could explain why heterogeneity was absent with intakes of ***8805;2.1g/day.

Plant sterols/stanols as cholesterol lowering agents: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Another option to go with fish oil

Doc this is fantastic, thank you. I'll go pick some up tonight. I've upped my fish oils to 8g a day split morning and night.

Took 50mg exemestane last night (read a study that it is almost impossible to crash E on exemestane, and that over time there is a negligible difference in resting E at 25 or 50mg a day, only the baseline was reached quicker with 50mg.) Will drop to 25mg ED in 3 days and re-test bloods in a week.

Still no morning wood or libido, but its early days.
Doc this is fantastic, thank you. I'll go pick some up tonight. I've upped my fish oils to 8g a day split morning and night.

Took 50mg exemestane last night (read a study that it is almost impossible to crash E on exemestane, and that over time there is a negligible difference in resting E at 25 or 50mg a day, only the baseline was reached quicker with 50mg.) Will drop to 25mg ED in 3 days and re-test bloods in a week.

Still no morning wood or libido, but its early days.

I think I may have read that same study. Minimum clinically effective dose is 5mg but at a 25mg daily dose, one can achieve 85-95% estrogen suppression. Also I'm not sure what other meds, supplements, or minerals your taking but according to Pfizer exemestane is metabolized in the liver by the CYP3A4 enzyme. A CYP3A4 inhibitor doesn't alter the pharmacokinetics of the drug but a CYP3A4 inducer lowers Cmax (maximum serum concentration levels) by around ~48%. Look up a list of inducers and see if you're taking any, some are prescription others are naturally occurring substances. If you are taking any, your estrogen levels could've been high due to you taking 12.5mg/EOD which would really be 6.25mg/day. If you're still taking an inducer now, your 50mg dose is really only giving you the same blood concentration of someone taking 25mg/day but no inducer.