Mid cycle prop, cyp and winny questions..help please


New member
i posted this previously...i got some responses, but i want to alter my questioning a bit...

"first: i am 25, 6'4 weigh 230(to 236) lbs. i am pretty much a novice, however i have been on a long cycle that kind of tapered off and lost some steam at the end. i went through two bottles of test enan (which i thought was useless) and two bottles of Tren (strength through the roof, but still not a lot of size..heard because i am already tall and weigh a good amount) and now on second bottle of EQ. i am almost back where i started save a little size and some strength. i didn't eat like i should of and the last few weeks have been very hectic and it has been hard to get any sort of quality gym routine going. i have each a bottle of prop 250 and cyp 100 (10ml a piece) and would still like to pull soem quality gains out of this cycle b4 i get clean for a long time. what would be the most effective way to take these to get the most bang for my buck? i have nolva and HCG...and would really like to finish off with a huge dose of Winstrol (winny) 100 mg a day for 40 days (any danger in that??) because i really like the way Winstrol (winny) rips me up. i want to pull as much size from the test as i can b4 the Winstrol (winny). give me some pointers please."

i realize i am short some gear for a good cycle. i can get more prop and cyp. what would be a good prop and cyp cycle followed by Winstrol (winny)? i have never used these tests b4. will i need to keep the water weight down? i realize that i need to increase my protein intake to 300-400 grams per day. i have made it to the gym for at least 4 hours a week, but i will up that as well. i have clomid, nolva, and hcg as well. is there any danger in taking Winstrol (winny) at 100 mg a day for 40 days? i will be taking liver detoxins? also, i have been on since mid feb...so am i in danger there? so far no real side effects besides some acne.
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I'd take that protein to 450-500, but plain and simple you need calories to add size

how is that even possible? i have heard that i wont even be able to use all of that..and that most of it will be flushed away. if i take 300-400 grams a day..what would be a good cyp and prop cycle? also, afterwards i am really set on Winstrol (winny). can i take 100mg a day for 40 days? do i still need to eat like a horse on Winstrol (winny)? also, i know the preventitives on test, but what are they on Winstrol (winny)? hair loss stuff (DHT blocking shampoo) and liver detoxins, right?
I don't like Winstrol (winny) so I'm the wrong person to ask.

Bro plain and simple you need calories to grow, plus enough protien to support growth. So if your not growing your not getting enough. %00mg of test a week is a good place to start
