Military Man's Test E + Anavar Cycle


Green Boots
Age 30
Height 5'10
Weight 198 lbs
Gender Male
BF% around 13%

Goals: To Increase Power, Endurance and Speed (athletic goals). Lose body fat, maintain/increase muscle mass.

3 x 10ml Finnea Test Enanthate
3000mg Anavar
30 x 2.5mg Letrozole
50 x 50mg Clomid

History: 3rd Cycle
First and second were 12 week sustanon cycles. Tried Anavar on the second cycle but got nose bleeds from it and discontinued taking after 6 days. (i have a history of nose bleeds) cant seem to keep my finger outta there. lol

Medical Issues:
I Have a history of gyno. Had mild gyno from puberty. Noticed tender nips when on my last cycle, so I used nolvadex. Im reading that letro is the proactive way to deal with the estrogen problem, rather than just blocking the receptors with nolvadex.

Im wondering if I should still have Nolvadex on hand and also HCG for PCT. I still have a bit of reading to do.

Looking to set up a 14 week cycle this time around. Any comments would be appreciated. I am used to sustanon, and this will be my first time using a monoether test.

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Testosterone Enanthate / Anavar / Letrozole / Clomid

Age 30
Height 5'10
Weight 198 lbs
Gender Male
BF% around 13%

Goals: To Increase Power, Endurance and Speed (athletic goals). Lose body fat, maintain/increase muscle mass.

3 x 10ml Finnea Test Enanthate
3000mg Anavar
30 x 2.5mg Letrozole
50 x 50mg Clomid

History: 3rd Cycle
First and second were 12 week sustanon cycles. Tried Anavar on the second cycle but got nose bleeds from it and discontinued taking after 6 days. (i have a history of nose bleeds) cant seem to keep my finger outta there. lol

Medical Issues:
I Have a history of gyno. Had mild gyno from puberty. Noticed tender nips when on my last cycle, so I used nolvadex. Im reading that letro is the proactive way to deal with the estrogen problem, rather than just blocking the receptors with nolvadex.

Im wondering if I should still have Nolvadex on hand and also HCG for PCT. I still have a bit of reading to do.

Looking to set up a 14 week cycle this time around. Any comments would be appreciated. I am used to sustanon, and this will be my first time using a monoether test.

No I havent. But ill be following a PCT suggested by Juced Porkchop

Wk1-14 500mg teste ew
Wk1-16 0.6mg e3d (2X a week) Letro
Wk16-20 PCT Clomid 50mg ed
No I havent. But ill be following a PCT suggested by Juced Porkchop

Wk1-14 500mg teste ew
Wk1-16 0.6mg e3d (2X a week) Letro
Wk16-20 PCT Clomid 50mg ed
I was just asking because I haven't seen too many people run letro like that during their cycle. Shouldn't letro be used as a last resort when gyno has flaired up big time as you can crash your e2?
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Here is what Juced Porkchop says about using nolva for gyno

Cant I just use a SERM like Clomid for gyno and PCT?

NO! Well I mean you could, but it is not optimal and I strongly recommend against it.

This is why:
SERMS like Clomid, Tamox and others, only BLOCKS estrogen at some receptors like the breast glands. But it WILL NOT lower estrogen in your body!

If you have Gyno setting in and started up Clomid or Nolva sure you would block the gyno but your estrogen levels would still be building up and in my opinion that is NOT a good thing.
If you were not very smart, didnt think ahead and didnt have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand and only SERMs, then yes you could start a low dose while you wait for the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to come, BUT USE THE Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for gyno control long term!
I ALWAYS tell people to use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for gyno/estrogen control; its just the most effective and healthy way to go about it.
Save the SERM for PCT use and IF NEEDED the onset of gyno while waiting for the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to take full effect (if that ended up being the case).
Other than that I feel a SERM should not be used for gyno control and only as part of a PCT.

Some of the older guys may have used a SERMs for gyno control, but we know better now and its time to move with the times.

I am going to list the most used and well known of these compounds with a small description on each, then I will move into how you may want to implement its use and some standard ways of doing so that are generally accepted."

Wk 1-14 900mg Test Enanthate
Wk 7-14 70mg Var
Wk 1-14 12.5mg EOD Aromasin
Wk 16-20 50mg Clomid

I will have Nolvadex on hand.

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Throw in a liver supp like liv-52 or mrsupps-tudca cause of the var. Also use creatine with the var their supposed to work very well together. I'd throw in ostarine at 10-15 mg if you can get you hands on it during your pct. helped me keep every bit of weight and strength in my last run.
Throw in a liver supp like liv-52 or mrsupps-tudca cause of the var. Also use creatine with the var their supposed to work very well together. I'd throw in ostarine at 10-15 mg if you can get you hands on it during your pct. helped me keep every bit of weight and strength in my last run.

What's this anavar creatine synergy you speak of?
The times I've run var I've been advised to run creatine with it (more specifically creatine nitrate). In theory (although there is minimal proof out side of hear say)Var is supposed to be able to stimulate large amounts of creatine phosphate in your cells. Adding a creatine supplement should increase more creatine stored and increase more muscle torque. As his goals are (athletic) I think being able to add 1/2 more reps in a specific power/speed lifting program creatine is a great add. During my last go I was running prop and var but also used celluor reloaded post workout and aps creatine nitrate pre workout. I felt amazing and just had so much more power. I also had similar goals. Just my 2 cents.
Thanks DK89. Ill be getting a liver protector for sure... Id like to find something at popeyes so that I dont have to wait for it to be ordered in. Perhaps on my next go around, ill try the ostarine. Ive never heard of it and id like to try this cycle with just test and var alone, to see how my body reacts.

Why should I use both Nolva AND Clomid, if ive been running an AI the whole time? I thought that the aromasin was going to keep the Estrogen to a low level anyhow.
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Thanks DK89. Ill be getting a liver protector for sure... Id like to find something at popeyes so that I dont have to wait for it to be ordered in. Perhaps on my next go around, ill try the ostarine. Ive never heard of it and id like to try this cycle with just test and var alone, to see how my body reacts.

Why should I use both Nolva AND Clomid, if ive been running an AI the whole time? I thought that the aromasin was going to keep the Estrogen to a low level anyhow.

One of the best pct protocols is Nolva/Clomid/Aromasin.

Wk 1-14 900mg Test Enanthate
Wk 7-14 70mg Var
Wk 1-14 12.5mg EOD Aromasin
Wk 16-20 50mg Clomid

I will have Nolvadex on hand.


Looks good, nice and simple which is always a good thing!
For liver support I'd definitely run N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) at 1800mg per day (up it to 2400mg on the Anavar)
I would also try and get some Taurine in case the Anavar starts to give you back pumps...

Other than that, you're good to go :)

the letro is mad overkill.. i would run .25mg adex eod instead of letro..

running .25mg of letro once a week will kill 98% of your estrogen.. its very very very potent
And I agree with smittiot... deffo run Nolvadex with Clomid for PCT
Clomid 50/50/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20

Enjoy :)