Mixing test and EQ


New member
hey guys, i am going to do a cycle of EQ and test cyp. I want to take 400mg a week of each for 10 weeks. But i herd it was better to split the dossege into 200mg of each 2 time a week. I also herd it was ok to mix the 2 in the same shot. So i was goin to take 200mg of EQ and 200mg of test cyp on monday in the same shot and the same on like thursday. Dose this sound like a good idea and is it the best way to take them?
Its fine!

You arent actually mixing them, you are just putting 2 different steroids in a needle to inject with.

You can actually put a water based steroid in the same needle as an oil based steroid. It makes no difference.
Tru man thanks. Also how long sould i wait between injections. I was goin to do them every monday and thurdsay. Or should i do them every 4 days.
lawn saver i saw in a thread someone saying something about how hcg can be put in the same needle as test. Can this be done? i was under the impression a slin pin should be used just under the skin.
MOjs13 said:
Tru man thanks. Also how long sould i wait between injections. I was goin to do them every monday and thurdsay. Or should i do them every 4 days.

Monday & Thurs. is perfect, that's how I do it. Test & EQ is a great combo, good luck bro with your cycle. Keep us posted on your results.
simpllyhuge said:
lawn saver i saw in a thread someone saying something about how hcg can be put in the same needle as test. Can this be done? i was under the impression a slin pin should be used just under the skin.
HCG can be injected intra muscularly.

Personally I would put HCG and Test in the same needle.
Its fine!

You arent actually mixing them, you are just putting 2 different steroids in a needle to inject with.

You can actually put a water based steroid in the same needle as an oil based steroid. It makes no difference.

Solid advice, by the way it goes through 25g smoothly!:)
i ran test cyp.250 and eq 300 every 4 days its my first cycle i was really impressed with it week 6 i really started seeing and feeling the difrference
With the eq you will need to extend the cycle to 16 weeks min and I reccomend 600mg, 400 is kinda low for eq.
Old thread but someone else may be interested in running this stack and this thread may help them
600 was great for me maby your eq is underdosed bro or maby you just don't respond as well to eq which would explain the higher dose. Either way as long as you are getting what you want out of it that's great. And at 900 it would get expensive quick because it should be ran atleast 16 weeks