mk677 did not work (1 month of using)

There are a few non-responders to MK677, but they are rare and certainly not the norm. Did you buy from SarmsSearch? If so, PM me and lets talk. If not, I cannot guarantee what you* took even had any MK677 in it.

*As a note, all references to human ingestion of MK677, or any other research chemical, is merely a shortcut method for talking about its use on laboratory animals. While sarms are both legal to buy and sell in most countries, it is illegal for human consumption in most countries as well and is to be used on laboratory animals only. Extrapolation of that data can be used to suggest what is most likely to happen if humans were to consume the substances.
no links allowed to outside sites and get your head out of your ass, stop beliving evrything cartoons on the Disney channel tell you and listen to the experts here. how old are you?

i posted a source that with a study that showed that even tho you dont workout you will still get muscles if your on test.

Of course you wouldnt let me post it. probably wont let me post this comment either.
i dont know what you are arguing about? I only said mk677 did not work for me.
i posted a source that with a study that showed that even tho you dont workout you will still get muscles if your on test.

Of course you wouldnt let me post it. probably wont let me post this comment either.
i dont know what you are arguing about? I only said mk677 did not work for me.
arguing about?? i will not go back and forth with you on this as all your statements speak for themselves as you sound like my 15 year old kid. There is no magic pill, you have to put in the work and effort to yield any positive results.
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Yes, you will gain more muscle if you have increased test levels than without, even if you live a sedentary lifestyle. Notice I said gain more muscle, not that you gain muscles. If you want the amount of gain you can actually SEE and not just measure using scientific instrumentation, you have to put in the work. This is even MORE important with growth hormone. Your body will not create new muscle cells using the increased GH and its metabolites if the body is not actively rebuilding damaged muscle cells.

Any new cells created by GH are yours forever - but they will shrink in size if you do not use them, just like all the other muscle cells you currently have. Since a cell is microscopic in size, this gain is completely unable to be noticed if you do not work hard and KEEP working hard.
I also assume you did not use the MK677 from SarmsSearch, since you did not say so when I asked. I cannot say what you actually took was legit or not, no idea. Ours is, though.
Wants increased mass/muscle but doesn't workout or have a solid diet/eating regiment? Seems legit. MK677 isn't a wonder drug lol, you won't gain any muscle from it if you don't train and eat properly. Not sure if you're just trolling or don't have any idea what you're doing.

My thoughts EXACTLY!!!
You have to run it for like 6 months the least. I noticed I didn't get sick at all, a lil bit more woods and hungry as hell. It doesn't make much of a difference but as I had a shitty ass diet and I didn't get discustingly fat, soooooo. I D K what to tell you.